Someone Like You

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Yuuri groaned as he slowly opened his eyes.For a second he forgot he was here, until a loud bang echoed of the door, making Yuri jump up awake and unaware of what was happening.

"Get up Little ones! Master wants you two!"The thin and tall one, Bruce called out.

Yuuri whimpered as he dropped his head.His head clouded with thoughts of what when on yesterday, and what could happen today.

He stood up and faced Yuri, too see if he was still awake.And he was surprised and concerned as he fully faced Yuri.

Yuri sat there on the ground, gripping his legs and crying.Yuuri slowly walked towards him.

"You okay?"He slowly asked.He knew how Yuri was feeling, but one thought stood out more than the others...


But if course they felt fear! I mean what other emotion would you feel if you were in their situation!

Yuri didn't respond so Yuuri came closer."Be ready in 5 minutes!"Bruce shouted and his footsteps were heard, walking away.

Yuuri layed his hand on Yuri's shoulder and he flinched.His tear-stained eyes shot up.

"What!?!"He spat.Trying desperately not to look scared.But he failed at it and dropped his head back down again and continued to sob.

Yuuri felt concern rise in him for the blond Russian.He had never seen Yurio this overwhelmed.

Yuuri leaned in and whispered something into the younger man's ear.

They got up and both walked to the door.Preparing for the worst...

Viktor layed in his bed, starring blankly at the TV.It has only been a week since Yuuri left but it felt like an eternity.

Viktor just wanted to know what was going on, if they were okay, but most of all he wanted to know who did this.

He had his thoughts on Who did it, and make a decision that whoever did this, also killed his Makkachin.

But if they were the ones to kill Makkachin, they must have at least a small connection with the person, or people.

It couldn't have been just a coincidence...

Viktor sighed and stood up.He walked out of his bedroom and and down the stairs into the kitchen.He had lost a lot of weight because he wasn't eating normally.

He had always lost his appetite after his thoughts of Yuuri.If he was okay or hurt, or his thoughts of who did it.

There was a competition two days ago and Viktor went to see it.Chris,Phichit and JJ were supposed to be there.

Chris and Phichit were there, but someone said JJ wasn't there because of his fiance.

It was odd to Viktor that JJ had missed the competition without saying something.And if it was his fiance, JJ would've bragged about it to the other competitors.

Viktor had brushed the thoughts off about it being JJ.I mean the guy was rude and full of himself, but he would never do this to someone...

Or at least that's what Viktor thought...


Otabek ran his fingers threw his hair.Yuri had just gone missing a week ago and they were expecting him to skate?!?

He was so full of fear for Yura.He was strong, but someone with strength had to be behind this.

Like Viktor,He had his thoughts of the criminal.Or could've been someone they knew, or just a random person looking for money.

And next up Otabek Altin!

He brushed his thoughts aside as he walked out into the rink.Hoepfully he wouldn't mess up too badly...

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