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Chris wondered around the small abundant area they were in.Yuuri had asked him to look around because he was worried about Viktor being gone so long.

Yuuri had explained that Viktor did reply the first time but not the other times Yuuri tried to message him.Chris's feet ached but he kept going.

There was no way he was going to let Yuuri down.Yuuri was the person who made his best friend happy and for that he thanked him.

As he walked along he noticed the sign for the store Viktor was supposed to be at.He walked up and saw that there was police tap covering an ally way right next to the store.

Chris curiously walked up to he end and gazed in.Nothing was out of the ordinary, but someone's phone layed face down on the concrete.

As Chris studied the phone more, his stomach churned.The case on it was the exact same as Viktor' even had the sticker Yuuri had gotten at a skating event plastered on it...

"Excuse me sir, you're getting a little too close to the crime scene" Said a voice right behind Chris.He turned around and a detective had a hand on his shoulder.

"Uh sorry, but may I ask what happened.That looks a lot like my best friends phone?"Chris said and the detective sighed.

"My names detective Jewell, but you can call me Jerry( haha cause that's Viktor's English voice actor)" He said and Chris nodded.

"But what about the phone?"Chris persuaded."Well we found this last night and it seems to be another kidnapping.The phone identifies to a male known as Viktor Nikiforov"He said and Chris gasped.

"We think it might have to do with the escaping of Jean-Jacques Leroy that occurred last night"He explained.Chris looked down in shock.

Could JJ have gotten to Viktor while he was out?! Chris felt a slight rush of anger flow through him knowing this monster JJ had gotten to his best friend.

But he also felt sadness for Yuuri.He had just gotten out of a nightmare and now he had to just sit and watch as Viktor was pulled into the same thing.

"Do you have any connection with Mr.Viktor Nikiforov?"Jerry asked.Chris nodded quickly."He's my best friend"He replied and Jerry hummed.

"Well we're looking for someone to take the phone back to someone.Does he perhaps have a wife or girlfriend?"Jerry asked again."I can take the phone back to someone, but it's his husband"Chris explained.

"Oh, sorry about that"Jerry apologized but Chris shook his head."Its not that big of a deal"He replied.

Chris took the phone and started back to the hospital with his grim news.He worried about how he was going to tell Yuuri, But before he could even start he was at the front doors of the hospital.

He took a deep breath and headed in, preparing for the worst...


Viktor woke up to the feeling of the cold metal floor.He rubbed his yes and sat up, trying to figure out where he was.The room was pretty bland, no Windows or decorations just a plain metal room.

As he stood up, what had happened came flooding back to him.The ally way, the man...Viktor went to reach for his phone but found it not to be anywhere on him.

He frowned and walked to the door.Viktor pulled at it to see if it was unlocked, but it was locked.

He held his finger up to his chin and thought.What could be going on?...He tried to bring back memories to see if he could find a clue to who's keeping him here, or who brought him...

As he replayed the days one simple sentence from the radio came back to him."His case will be on the 28 but until then JJ is free to walk the streets of town..."...

Viktor started to panic as He thought of it could be JJ.He already knew what the man was capable of and he didn't want to be pulled into it too.

He started to pace around the room and bite his nails.It wasn't until the large metal door swung open and two men stepped in that he stopped.

Viktor's blood ran cold and his breathing heavy'd as he turned to face his captor,..... And Yuuri's old one.

JJ stood there with a smirk plastered on his face with his body guard Bruce.Viktor froze in his tracks as he watched JJ slowly and teasingly walk up to him.

JJ ran his index finger up Viktor's ( gorgeous ) chest, making him shiver."What's wrong Vitya?~ Cat got your throat?"He asked.

Viktor's blood boiled as he raised his head."Nobody..."Viktor trailed off."What's that Vitya?" JJ teased again.

Viktor raised his head in anger."I said NOBODY CALLS ME THAT EXCEPT MY YUURI!!!!"Viktor screamed, slamming his fist into JJ's nose.

JJ stumbled back and Bruce watched on shock, not moving a muscle and JJ stood back up wiping the blood off his face.

"You got some nerve kid..."JJ scowled and glared at Viktor.Viktor on the other hand was walking back up to JJ, fists clenched and a furious glare on his face.

Before JJ had a time to react Viktor was slamming his fist into his right cheek."That's for Killing Makkachin!"

"That's for hurting Yurio!"He yelled and punched JJ's left temple.

" AND THAT'S FOR FUCKING WITH MY FAMILY!!!"Viktor screamed and upper cutting JJ, finally knocking him out.Bruce shouted in horror and ran for the door, running out.

Viktor breathed heavily, trying to get rid of his overwhelming anger.He stared down at JJ and tears began to fill his eyes.

He wasn't upset over JJ getting hurt, he was upset about hurting someone in general.Viktor was the was the least violent person anyone has ever meant.

And he just shattered that image into pieces...

Viktor quickly came back to his senses and dashed out of the room.He ran into the living room and spotted a phone hanging on the wall.

He ran over to it and picked it up before dialing the police ....

Chris sighed and walked out of Yuuri's room.He had just explained what had happened and given Viktor's phone to him.

Yuuri had known what had happened as soon as Chris pulled out the phone.He was currently in there crying.

Chris felt bad for what was happening to Yuuri.He was thrown into a nightmare that seemed to never end.

As Chris went to leave to go back to his cat, Jerry stopped him.






" We found him......"


"Author there's been like three chapters today?"

Its all Becasue of xXDragonNerdXx

I don't know there might even be a forth

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