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Yuuri jumped in surprise as the sound of a gun shot echoed though the hall.His eyes quickly darted to the hall and his vision barely caught a glimpse of Viktor looking like he was falling backwards.

To Yuuri's vision that's what he saw, but the true sight was Viktor's reaction and jumping backwards in surprise.

Yuuri's breath hitched and his stomach lurched as the thought of Viktor being shot echoed though out him.He jumped up off the bed and tried to run over to him.

But instead Yuuri pulled out the wires and tubes attached to him, and falling hard to the ground and hitting his head a little too hard.

Yuuri winced in pain as he raised his left hand up to his pounding head.As he pulled it back down, there was a slight mark of blood on his hand.

Soon Yuuri's vision in his right eye became blurry and slightly red.He gasped in surprise and jumped back hitting his head again.

As more blood started to fall down his fragile head, Yuuri's vision soon became dark as his whole world turned black....

Viktor and Otabek heard the commotion coming from Yuuri's room and they both shot each other glances.

Otabek looked from side to side before looking back at Viktor and motioning for him to go into Yuuri's room.

Viktor didn't waste any time and ran into Yuuri's room.As he saw Yuuri's pail and bloody body laying at the side of the bed be gasped.Viktor first instinct was to go get Yuuri...

But something felt off and Viktor felt as if he was being watched.Viktor stood at the door frame and glances around, practically waiting for someone to jump out.

Viktor gave in a minute later and dashed towards Yuuri's side.He gingerly picked up Yuuri and ran back out of the room with a passed out Yuuri in his arms.

Otabek saw Viktor come out and they both knew they had to leave.They both ran out of the hall and carefully down the steps before netting security and some police officers.

As Soon As Otabek and Viktor appeared the police ran up the stairs and some of the other workers helped get Yuuri onto a stretcher and down into an ambulance.

All of Yuuri's friends and family heard the commotion and ran to that side of the hospital.Chris ran over to Viktor who was now sitting in a chair hyperventilating over what happened to Yuuri.

Yuuri was being taken to a hospital downtown for the reason that because of the incident, they didn't want him in this hospital or any where near it right now.

Chris sat down next to Viktor and tried to get him to say something.Phichit and the rest of the friends were asking where Yuuri was.

Hiroko and Toshiymama sat next to Viktor and Chris, all three concerned about Yuuri and Viktor, who was refusing to speak to anyone.

"Viktor honey? What happened?"Hiroko asked as she ran her hand up and down Viktor's back in comfort.

Viktor's head stayed glued into Chris's shoulder as he continued to sob.The normal comforting sayings being said over and over again in his head As he turned away from everyone.

"Come on! We know you can walk!"A harsh voice said from the right.Viktor lifted his head up slightly at looked for whoever said that.

A couple seconds later two police officers came walking down the hall way with Haru in cuffs and walking in front of them.

Haru stopped as he eyes layed onto Hiroko and Toshiyama.Hiroko gasped and almost dropped her bag she was holding.Viktor shot his head over in confusion.

Did Hiroko know this guy? Was he someone they happened to encounter earlier on?

The police shoved Haru to try and get him to walk again but Hiroko managed to stop them."We'd like a minute"She explained.

The officers shot each other a look of confusion for why an old lady would want to speak with a criminal alone with her family.Especially after they try and almost murder their child.

Haru finally grabbed hold of Yuri's attention and he shared almost the exact same reaction.But instead of getting riled up, he backed away in fear.

I mean last time Yuri saw him, Haru had shot him.Otabek went protectively in front of him and blocked him from Haru's vision.

"Do you know him??"Viktor asked, looking directly at Hiroko.She looked at Toshiyama, both deciding what to say.

Finally after a long pause of silence, Hiroko sighed and looked back to Viktor.She motioned for Haru to sit down right across from them, and right next to Phichit, who didn't mind right now.

"Before I explain anything, I need to know, so you know who I am??"Hiroko asked turning to Haru.He waited and thought for a moment, before nodding.

Toshiyama let out what seemed like a sigh of relief and Hiroko threw her hands over her mouth in shock.Viktor's expression grew more confused as the minute went on.

"Oh, uh, Viktor this may seem weird...but he's technically you're step-brother...."


Yuuri slowly opened his eyes.His surroundings were still the same as a hospital, but not the same on...

He looked around the room and found a piece of evidence that might lead to where the heck he was.

"Loony West Hospital"

Was printed on the top of the door.Yuuri scanned his memory around to try and figure out exactly where Loony was.It sounded familiar but nothing was coming to him right now.

Right now All he wanted was to see Viktor.(  haha I bet you thought he forgot or lost his memory of Viktor).He looked over to the counter next to him hoping to find His phone.

He huffed and stared at the ceiling.No phone and no Viktor meant Yuuri was on the horrible place of absolute boredom.

After about thirty minutes of nothing, the knock at the door finally came.Yuuri looked at the door with high hopes of the person coming through.

His expression changed as the only person to walk in was the doctor."Good to see you're awake Mr.Katsuki!"He boomed.

Yuuri hid his annoyance and upset through a fake smile.The doctor checked in on all the equipment that was next to him and hummed.

"Looks like other than slight head injury, nothing's wrong"He explained and Yuuri nodded.

Head injury?.....

Yuuri stared at the doctor in confusion for why he had head injuries.And the doctor read him like a book.

"Do you remember what happened?"He asked.Yuuri shrugged."Some stuff...but not a lot"He replied.

The doctor nodded and write Yuuri's answer in the clipboard."I'll be right back"He said and Yuuri nodded.At Least he'd get some quiet for right now.

Wait a minute.....

"So you're sure we can't see him right now"......


Oooooo you can't tell who said that
Because author isn't gonna say and bc this is a book, well you know.

Sorry for late chapter and it's kinda short.I'm really trying to get all that good shit into the next chapter....


What the heck does Hiroko mean when she says Haru is Viktor's step-brother!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?

I'm sorry that was kinda un-needed...

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