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Ok guys same thing....when you see this sign(👑) play then when you see this sign again (👑) stop ok?

Now before you start reading....I just figured it out that...on the episode of read it and weep caramel was the doctor...and I didn't even notice😂 and on the episode of winter wrap up caramel was shown as background pony....and he was a pony but back on the episode of read it and keep he was a unicorn. ?????????? What? Now. I'm so stupid how did I not notice that😂😂😂😂😂 I was laughing at myself.

Rainbolt's POV

*the next day*

I'm at school feeling BOARD. I wonder if mom would still talk to me...after a few minutes somepony arrived and she looked familiar.....*Gasp*

"PRINCESS TWILIGHT!!!" They all cheered then twilight went in front

"Hello everypony as you know I am princess twilight and I am the princess of friendship, for those of you who don't know. So now our lesson is....Friendship! Now who can tell me what friendship means?" She asked

summer raised her hoof.

"Yes?" Twilight asked, waiting for an answer

"Ummm....is it about....being nice to each other?" She said

"Correct. But who can tell me what friendship really means" she continued.

Taffida raised her hoof.

Seriously what does she know about friendship?

"Well friendship is about being friends with somepony bit only to those who are popular...you know a group of ponies who get you" she answered.

Twilight isn't amused.

"Uhhhhhh.....anypony else?" She asked then she looked at me

"Rainbolt! Sweetie stand up and can you tell me what friendship really means?" She asked

"Ummm.....True friendship is when somepony knows you better then yourself. And takes position in your best interests in a crisis. Friendship goes beyond just sharing time together, and it is long lasting." I answered then she gave a warm smile.

"Correct! Now this is the answer I was looking for" she said. I sat down then somepony raised her hoof

Lilly blossom.

"I have a question" she said

"Question right away" twilight replied

"Is there really an answer to everything?" She asked

"Yes." Twilight replied.

"Ok...then answer this...your highness
.....somepony said the most powerful magic of all is Friendship then another said that the most powerful magic of all is Love. So which one is more powerful?" She asked

(A/N: actually that was what i was curious about too)

"Ohhh....well.....*clears throat*...if you
Look at the two closely they are all the same" she said then everyone went all 'huh?' "As friendship goes along you and your best friend share a bond...and that bond is Love." Twilight explained then everypony nodded.

"Now...who can tell me the elements if friendship?" She asked

Oh I know this one! I quickly raised my hoof

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