His Visit

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We left like nothing happened.

Dean pretended he was escorting me back to my room for the cameras. He had his strong hand gripped around my right arm. Every time I tried to pull away, he'd grip it even harder. I shot him a look of disgust and he laughed. His laugh lit his whole face up, making him look more boyish and even more attractive.

Whoa. I blushed and looked away.

"You falling for me over there?" He joked, still laughing a bit. "I'll have you know that's against the rules."

I scoffed. "Falling for who?"

He didn't respond, but I saw the gleam in his eye and the small smile on his face. He let go of my arm and we walked at a steady pace to my room.

We stood outside my door together. It was too quiet. Dean slid his hands into his pockets and nodded at me. I cleared my throat.



Looking down, I said,"Ask Alexander to stop by my room tonight instead of one of the guests."

This seemed to both dumbfound and anger him. "You want him?"

Funny, Dean. You stressed the want and not the him. Huh. Of course, you couldn't really feel anything for me."Yes."

Deep chuckle. He ran his fingers frantically through his wet, tangled hair. He was obviously shaken by this. It was slightly amusing.

"Okay then." With that, he was gone. Stormed off half naked. I wonder where you were headed.

I was half asleep on my bed when he came in. I'd dressed in a thin nightgown which was midnight blue and made of the finest silk. Long, thick curls of my hair danced about the sheets like an endless black river. He sat near my bare feet, the sheets crumpling underneath his weight. Surprisingly, he bent down and kissed the heel of my foot. I kept my eyes shut tight. Then,"I know you're awake."

I opened my eyes slowly. I didn't say anything to him, just stared out the window. It was open halfway and the wind was blowing the velvet curtains in tiny waves off the floor. I felt him run his hand along my leg, and then climb up on the bed on top of me.

"I heard you wanted me, dear," he whispered. His moist lips kissed from the top of my shoulder, up to my neck, and then my jaw bone. He didn't know my eyes were open yet, since my face was mostly obscured by my curls, and he was too busy kissing me.

"Talk to me." Alexander brushed my hair out of my face. Then he smiled when he found me peering up at him.

I smiled back. Then turned over onto my back. My outer leg "accidentally" bumping into his side, making him fall over onto the other side of me. "Heh, sorry. That's actually all I wanted you here for."

Alexander was disgruntled. Never having been dealt with in that manner, he coughed harshly, and glared at me for a second. It was like a hand had waved over his face in a child game, and he was once again staring lustily at me. "Alright, sweetie. Talk to me."

I sat up, holding my gown down, so as not to show Alexander anything. He watched my every move without a word. I could tell, though, that he was displeased with my actions.

"I want to know more about you, Alexander."

Alexander's eyes quickly left my thighs and focused intently on my face. In the pale moonlight, I saw that he was blushing. His golden hair flowed peacefully about his face and he looked so innocent in that moment I almost started to change my mind about him. Almost.

"You want to know about me?" he finally spluttered out.

I nodded, edging closer to him. I boldly placed my hands in his lap and rested my head on them, blinking up at him. I nearly laughed when I saw his eyes widen.

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