chapter 2

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I know i am very late with the update but i was having some major writers block but now i got an idea that may or not be interesting for this chapter so enjoy😉.

Edited 30th August 2018.

Stars pov
After explaining everything to Marco i went back to my room had a bath and did some other stuffs i had to do to get ready. I was all dressed up in about 10 minutes.

I got to Marcos room to see that he was also dressed up so i opened a portal to Mewni. We both stepped in to see my parents and my cousin with her  family all seated.

"Hi mom and Hi dad" i said smiling but wasn't too long till that smile turned into a frown as i saw my cousin "And Hi Jessica" i said faking an excited voice "Oh Hi star"my mom said with a smile .

"Come sit with us so that i can introduce you to your Aunt and Uncle"she said gesturing at a spot that was next to Jessica which was enough for two people.

I grabbed Marco by his hand and made my way to the couch which was right next to Jessica 'the perfect princess'. Marco was sitting in the middle of me and Jessica cause i didn't want to see her face " star this i your uncle John and aunt Alexis" i stood up and Shake both their hands trying to be formal mainly because this is the first time i am seeing them but as for Jessica she always comes to visit us every holiday "nice to meet you" they said smiling "the pleasure is all mine" i said sitting back on the couch. Then i introduce Marco to them and he does exactly the same thing i did shaking their hand and stuff "Star is he your boyfriend or something" they both said in unison.

Me and Marco both look at each other then he looks at them, while i look at my parents expression seeing that they are not really happy about that and by 'they' i mean my mom, eventually my mouth opens to say the words which i immediately regret "no we're just friends" as i said those words i mentally face palm my self "Star " She said which got my attention "yes mom" i said facing her "can you please  take Jessica and Marco and give them a tour of the house or something cause i have to talk to her parents about business" i stood up from the couch motioning for Marco and Jessica to follow, technically my mom called me here to babysit.

I let Jessica into my room but as i was about stepping in, i was stopped by Marco "i'm still waiting for an explanation about you not liking Jessica ...what did she do for you not to like her, you like everybody" .

"You really want to know... don't you" he nods "well we weren't always like this, we were actually best friends until my mom started liking her more than me because she is some kind of 'perfect princess' and am not, so i guess i know....." i said staring into his eyes.

  "Jealous" he said completing my sentence while i nod slightly.

"And  why do you need to be jealous when you are so unique,cute and amazingly beautiful which is one of the things i love about you" with his statement i start blushing with out even realising  it , damn am i really that amazing . He gives me a kiss on the forehead before opening the door to my room  letting me in like a gentle man.

the next is coming soon but i'm not making any promises to update early. Well bye 😊

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