Scotland x England-Rabbit

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Australia-Jett KirklandEngland-Arthur KirklandIreland (Republic of)-Liam KirklandNorthern Ireland-Seamus KirklandScotland-Allistor KirklandSealand-Peter KirklandWales-Dylan Kirkland~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Australia-Jett Kirkland
England-Arthur Kirkland
Ireland (Republic of)-Liam Kirkland
Northern Ireland-Seamus Kirkland
Scotland-Allistor Kirkland
Sealand-Peter Kirkland
Wales-Dylan Kirkland

Third person P.O.V.
If there is one thing England hates it's his older brothers. Scotland, North Ireland, Ireland and Wales. Sealand and Australia are an entirely different story. England has always struggled with love and family, especially since he was raised by his older brothers.

Scotland was the worst, the ringleader. He would bully and beat up little Iggy any chance he got. North Ireland and Ireland were always pranking him and picking on him. Finally Wales, who acted like he didn't care if England was there or not. England could have died and he wouldn't have cared.

England has always wondered if it was him who was the problem. The way his brothers treat Australia and Sealand is amazing, they are always watching out for their little brothers so why not England?

The truth is that Scotland and his brothers didn't know how to express their love to England so it always got twisted. They were raised separately and only came together because of England. They would have done everything differently if they knew how hated they would be by him, that's why they try so hard with Sealand and Australia.

England's P.O.V.
Another world meeting how fun, especially since I'm not feeling well due to stress. I open the door and try to find my seat. Just as I find it a loud obnoxious voice interrupts me.

"Yo Iggy-brows!" I hear America yell from across the meeting hall

"What is it you bloody wanker?!" I shout back

America pays no attention to my insult and runs over to me.

"Hey dude did you hear?!" He shouts "Your brothers are going to be here!"

I immediately go pale. Every time I see those wankers it ends up in a huge argument and I already don't feel well. Not to mention what happens between us... I fall silent and try to push America off of me.

"Huh what's wrong bro?" He asks confused

"N-Nothing you wanker. Go find your seat." I reply pushing him off of me

"Come on Iggy, what's wrong?" He asks but this time in a quieter voice

Why can't he just leave me alone? I already feel like passing out.

Scotland's P.O.V.
I can't believe my brothers and I are being forced to attend this meeting. Usually Arthur represents the British Isles but since we had a massive argument and Arthur kicked us out we have to represent ourselves.

I look over to Liam, Dylan and Seamus who look a little nervous. I don't blame them, last time we saw Arthur was when he was yelling at us that we were horrible brothers. That I don't blame him on that though, he isn't wrong,

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