(Crew x Reader) - ENDINGS

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Stay with Richtofen:

"Are jou going to go talk to Nikolai?" Richtofen asked you, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. You turned around to him.

"I think i'd rather stay here.."

You paused and pursed your lips.

"...With you.."

Richtofen's eyebrows raised and his cheeks were dusted with a pink hue. You smiled and slightly laughed at the unusual sight. You've never seen him blush before. But you didn't have much time to indulge in the cute German's behaviour, because before you could even process it, he already had you swooped up in a sweet little kiss. You didn't even hesitate to kiss back, enjoying every second of the ethereal moment. When your lips parted, you two did nothing but smile and gaze into eachother's eyes. Like star-crossed lovers in a fairytale.

"Does this mean jou.."

"Yep" You immediately answered, not even letting him finish. He flashed a bright smile before grabbing your hand and leading you to somewhere more enclosed and private, filling you with warmth and happiness. He lead you to the corner of a small but cozy room and you laid your head on his lap, feeling an almost foreign comfort. A feeling that resonated in your body and never escaped.

Things were looking up.

Go after Takeo

You glanced at Richtofen, before walking down the pathway which Takeo left. You kept your eyes peeled for him, not wanting to miss him or go past him by accident. You found him at the end of a hallway, staring out of the window. Looking lost in an ocean of thought. You quietly approached him, reaching a certain distance and deciding to start some conversation.

"You okay Tak?" You asked him, stalking a little closer until you two were side by side.

"Is there some...unspoken thing between you and Richtofen.." He asked, his voice trailing off at the end. He appeared extremely upset.

"What are you saying?" You asked, placing a hand gently on his shoulder, causing him to flinch a bit due to the sudden contact

"I'm saying..." He paused, his face flooding a very distinct pink colour.

He pulled your hand off of his shoulder, connecing it to his hand.

"I'm saying that i am frankly...jealous"

Your eyes widened. You couldn't help but smile at his very stiff confession. You decided to take this moment to prove your feelings once and for all. You stood on your toes, barely reaching the lips of his tall figure, and planted a kiss on his lips.

Now his eyes were widened.

Not knowing how to react and feeling extremely flustered, he claps his hand over his mouth, making you cackle with laughter. You earned a smile from him upon hearing your little snorts.

He delicately picked up your hands again.



Talk to Nikolai

You let out a sigh, looking towards the direction in which Nikolai went. Looking at Richtofen, he nodded and you walked away, looking at the Russian standing behind a pole. His lips tightened into a little smile, you returning the little gesture. He sat down, you taking your spot next to him. You looked at him intently, waiting for him to begin whatever he wanted to tell you.

"We've all been through a lot..." He started, his dulled down eyes meeting your intrigued ones. Your head tilted to the side a bit, and waited for him to continue.

"But...i don't know...all of that just goes away around you..."

You blushed at his straight forward statement, receiving a highly amused smile from Belinski.

"I just wanted to ask...how do you feel about me?"

Your eyebrows furrowed and you looked to the side, wondering why he would ask this.

"I don't know...you're nice, funny and... i think i-"

You were cut off by a pair of lips connecting to your own. You smiled through yours and his lips but kissed back while you still had the chance. You two parted and stared into eachother for a while, having a moment with a mental connection you two shared. You cleared your throat.

"And i think i like you" You spoke with a proud smile, completing your sentence from before. Nikolai threw his arms around your waist and your arms around his neck, enjoying and sharing another passionate kiss.

"I love you" He said as you two pulled away.

"I love you too."

Go after Tank

"I'll be back" You stated, nervously trekking along the route to Dempsey. After finding him slouched against a wall, you confidently confronted him with soft eyes and ready to help.

"Are you okay?" You asked, Tank shifting his gaze to settle in your eyes. You didn't need to be a master of deduction to figure out that he was upset. His posture straightened, clearly not wanting to be viewed all upset like this.

"Depends on how you react to what i'm about to do.."


Tank reached his hand up to your cheek, kissing your lips gently. When he pulled away you could tell he had instant regret.

"Look if you don't like me in that way it's fine..."

"Who ever said that?" You smirked, standing on your toes to retrieve another kiss. He kissed back instantaneously, wrapping his arms around you.

"Are you better now?" You smiled, getting a mirrored smile in response.

"Hundred percent, sugar."

"Ew don't call me that" you laughed


My phone is so crappy. The charger hole is busted so it takes forever to charge and i cant use it as it is charging and i also have to turn it off for it to charge so hhhhh that's why i haven't been on and updating much. I spend more time charging my phone than going on it smh.

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