The Dream becomes a nightmare

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Cheshire POV

I wake up in a jail cell. I try disappearing so I can find Alistar, but when I try something pulls me back. ¨It's a shame you can't use your freaky cat skills in here. I used Rose blood. Aren't I just the smartest queen in Wonderland.¨ I scoff, which led me to being shocked. I screamed, I didn't feel the tongs in my back. ¨Since when does Wonderland know about electricity?¨ The red queen huffs and stomps away. ¨Fluffen child.¨ There's no way I can get a message to Alistar. He needs to leave this place, I can't put him in any more danger than I have already done. I need to get out of here. I need to figure out a way out of here. ¨Ahhhhhh!!¨ The tongs go off and shocks me, I can practically hear my skin bubbling and blistering. ¨Fluff.¨ I guess the tongs are going to have to come out first. I start pulling at the closest one which is on my left shoulder. I take a deep breath and start to pull. It hurts like heck, but I keep going. I feel it stuck in my skin so I yank harder, trying not to scream. I bit my lip so hard, blood is dripping down my chin. I finally get the tong out and throw it in the darkest corner so no one will see it. Then I wake up. The only difference is I feel a pain in my shoulder. I walk over to my full length mirror, the first thing I notice is my lip has to holes where my teeth bit into. I look at my back and stopped breathing. I could see where I ripped out the tong because I could see a circle mark with blood dripping down my back, that is not the only injury I can see and feel, I notice the blistering of where I was shocked. ¨Cheshire! Mattie's is here!¨ I hear my dad yell from downstairs. ¨I'll be down in a minute!¨ I rush to get my clothes on but it takes longer than it should because of my injuries. I am about to put my shirt on when I hear my door open. ¨Hey Cheshy. Oh my gosh what happened?¨ I put my shirt on, ¨Nothing let's just go.¨ I pull Mattie with me and we head to school.

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