The curious world of Math

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Cheshire POV

I feel bad I haven't been able to start a conversation. I'm too busy to be freaking the fluff out. I mean what the heck? He is a real person? This is impossible. ¨So you're name is Cheshire?¨ Wow, he must be really be feeling the awkwardness. ¨Yes, but if you would like to call me Cheshy, go for it.¨ He chuckles I don't understand why that amuses him. But then again I don't understand anything. ¨Really? I think I'll just stick with Cheshire.¨ I mumble, ¨Suit yourself.¨ Then I open the door to Math class, just walking in this room gives me depression. ¨Well look who it is.¨ Great another person I hate, ¨Who's the newbie Kitten?¨ I stand in front of Alistar, even in the real world I'm protective of him? ¨Back off R.K.¨ He holds up his hands, ¨Dang, the Kitten finally got her claws?¨ I'm about ready to punch him in the throat when, surprisingly enough, Alistar walks in front of me. ¨Dude why don't you just back off?¨ Where the heck is the teacher? R.K. get's all up in Alistar's face. I grab him and brought him to where I sit, which is in the back of the room. ¨I could take him.¨ I look at Alistar and laugh, ¨Sure you could darling.¨ The teacher finally comes in the classroom and then the starts class. I stare at the whiteboard, then I realize we haven't even started and I don't understand anything.

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