Alistar POV
¨You survived the full day without getting tripped. I'm proud.¨ I point my head in the direction of Cheshire's voice. ¨Is that really an achievement in this school?¨ Cheshire sighs,¨Sadly.¨ We walk out of the school, I can feel the sun on my face. Then we hear, ¨Cheshy!¨ We both can tell it's Mattie. ¨Hey Sugar, what's up?¨ I feel a hand on my shoulder, ¨I need to talk to Ali.¨ Is she talking about me? ¨Please do not call me that.¨ I say. I feel Mattie grab my wrist and we start walking, ¨Mattie, don't scare him!¨ We hear Cheshire scream. I know we are behind a building because the warmth of the sun is gone. ¨Okay, listen Ali-¨ I stop her, ¨Don't call me that.¨ She smacks the back of my head. ¨Shut up. Listen, if you hurt my Cheshy I will end you. Also don't be upset if she does not open up to you right away she is very fragile.¨ I don't say anything I'm still processing how she could change emotions just like that. ¨You got that, bub.¨ She pokes my chest and I nod. ¨Good.¨ She grabs my hand and starts skipping. I hear Cheshire talking to my mom, ¨Oh, Alistar is this your girlfriend?¨ Both me and Mattie yell no, and she chuckles. ¨I'm glad you found friends sweetie.¨ She kisses my cheek, ¨Mom!¨ She laughs and I hear Cheshire laugh. ¨Well let's go sweetie.¨ I grab my mom's arm. ¨See you tomorrow guys.¨ They say goodbye. When I get home I fall in my bed. I really hope that dream doesn't become a nightmare tonight.
FantasyHere is the thing, I am fluffed up in the head. What I mean is my name is Cheshire and I have been dreaming of a guy. You're probably like, 'Oh that's just your teenage hormones you're fine.' But I don't think you understand, in the dream I am every...