Chapter One

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I get a call from the Way's asking me if I could babysit little 8 year old Mikey. Of course I say yes. They tell me to be there at around 10o'clock at night. I get there and she tells me not to worry if I hear anything from the upstairs. She says it's just her "obnoxious" son Gerard. They say they won't be back until next week and that if anything happens to make sure that I call them.

They leave and Mikey walks out from his room and looks at me. "Fwankie!" he calls out in a childish way and hugs me. I smile. The last time I saw Mikey was when he was 6 years old. He yawns and holds his arms up for me to carry him. I pick him up and and he yawns again laying his head on my shoulder closing his eyes. "Are you tired?" I laugh a bit seeing how adorable he is when he is tired. He nods. I walk to his room to put him in bed. Just when I get ready to leave the room he says, "Wait Fwankie, can you check in my closet for monsters?" Just when I thought this kid couldn't get anymore adorable. I open up the closet door and he peeks from under his covers and sniffles. "See Mikey, there's no monsters at all." I close the closet door and sit on the edge of his bed. He looks at me and nods. I kiss his head and hug him good night. I close his door leaving it open just a crack so some light shines through to his room.

I walk into the living room and sit down on the couch. I hear someone talking. It sounds like it's coming form upstairs. I try to ignore it but I can't. It's getting louder as I walk up the stairs. I walk down a hallway and see a door that says in all capitals, GERARD'S ROOM: KEEP OUT. I listen closely but just when I think I'm quiet everything goes silent. The door swings open and I see him. Gerard Way. His hair is a dark red and he almost looks older than me. I stand there in an awkward position.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" he says demanding. I stay there looking like a complete idiot. He raises and eyebrow at me wondering if I'm going to answer.

"Uh.. I'm Frank. You're parents asked if I could babysit Mikey until next week and--"

"Ok, ok I don't need your life story." He stares at me studying me. I bite my lip and look down at my shoes not knowing what to do. He grins at me, "Well, don't ever come in my room without asking." he says winking. I nod and look up at him blushing. His hazel eyes staring into me as if he were reading my mind. I turn around and walk away. I lay down on the couch and just when I get ready to fall asleep I here a scream from Mikey's room. I get up and go to him and I see him in a corner crying. I pick him up and ask whats wrong in a reassuring voice. He clangs to my neck and says, "I had a bad dream and w-when I woke up someone was by my b-bed." he says stuttering a bit.

I sigh and rub his back trying to calm him down. He stops crying but sniffles into my neck. I ask if he wants me to sleep in his room tonight. He nods sniffling at the same time. I lay him down and kiss his head. I make me a pallet on the floor and lay down. He gets off his bed and snuggles beside me. I wrap my arm around him as he closes his eyes. "Fwankie?" He says looking up at me. "Yes?" I look at him. His cheeks stained with tears.

"Why do parents fight?" I look at him not knowing what to say. I turn on my side and face him.

I sigh and say quietly, "Well, sometimes in life things get a little to hard for some people. They fight and fight but sometimes things get fixed and they stop fighting. But.. sometimes, things don't always go that way." He nods and turns around snuggling more into my side. I wrap and arm around him again and go to sleep.

The next morning I wake and find myself asleep on the couch. How did I get here? Did I sleep walk again? I sit up and see Gerard in the kitchen fixing Mikey breakfast and as soon as he sees me, he walks upstairs quickly. I go to the kitchen a bit tired still. I look at Mikey who's head is looking down at the eggs and bacon on his plate. He plays with his food for a little bit and finally starts eating. I look at him wondering what's wrong.

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