Chapter 1

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You know how all the chickflicks and lame high school movies always portray high school as the nerd falling in love with the jock and how everything ends so happy in the end? Well that's not exactly how I felt graduating high school. I was glad to leave it behind. I left high school with no friends and my depression and anxiety at an all time high. I wasn't one of those weird loner kids. I used to have friends but we had a huge falling out, that then led to problems with my boyfriend at the time and we soon ended things. I could go into detail but no one wants to hear that drama. 

Now I'm going to community college, working at a grocery store, and locking myself in my room. I wasn't in very good shape. I lost my passion for life. I struggled to get out of bed and I couldn't leave the house by myself except to go to work. I was on medication for anxiety and depression. I see my therapist every other week. And other than that... I didn't do much. To be honest. I'm lonely a lot. I miss having friends, going out... having a boyfriend. I miss feeling loved...

So here I am, my name is Shay. And whether I like it or not, like after high school is about to get weird.


I had just dropped off my only friend Claudia at class and I decided to go to the library for some new books. Parking in shaded spot I pulled myself out of the car and opened the rear door. My dog Tessa say patiently as I put on her service dog vest. 

Reaching the young adult section I started browsing through the books. I smiled awkwardly at a girl my age as she walked down my aisle. My anxiety began to rise. Tessa bumped me with her nose to alert me of my anxiety and I moved to the next aisle. I only had a few books picked out when a guy and a girl walked down my aisle arguing about something.

"I'm just saying that you're being a little unrealistic," the girl said over her shoulder as she searched the books. "No girl is that stupid."

The guy laughed as he leaned against the book self and smirked. "How do you think I banged that European girl?" 

"She didn't know any English," the girl replied laughing and hitting him lightly with a book. 

"I telling you, girls dig it," he said smirking. 

"No they don't," she groaned. "Ask any girl."

I slowly edged away. My anxiety rising as the girl kept moving closer and looking for books.

"Hey you," the guy suddenly called. I froze and looked at him wide eyed. "Would you bang a guy if he said he was a spy?"

"Ummm... no?" I stuttered. I began scratching my arm, a nervous tic of mine. Tessa alerted whining a little as I ignored her. 

The girl laughed, "ha! I told you."

The guy was frowning when suddenly he noticed Tessa. "Ooo cute dog. Can I pet her," he asked as he walked closer. I tried to speak but nothing came out so I shook my head and pointed at her vest. "Oh, my bad," he said stopping. He glanced down at my arm. "Oh shit, you're bleeding," he said quickly moving forward. 

He grabbed my wrist as I tried to back up. "Its fine," I said trying to put some space between us but he kept walking closer. 

"No it's not. You're bleeding," he said as he gently turn my arm to show we're I had accidentally reopened a previous cut. "Come on. Let's get a first aid kit."

Yanking my arm away I backed away and rushed into the bathroom, almost yanking Tessa behind me. Locking the door I sunk to the ground as I began hyperventilating. Tessa sat partially on my lap and licked my cheek. I pushed her face away and tried to cover my mouth to keep quiet. Tears ran silently down my face as my breath heaved. 

It felt like ages but it was probably only a few minutes before I was finally able to calm down. Pushing myself to my feet I leaned against the sink as I splashed my face with water and rinsed my arm. I stood there for a bit, staring at the angry red scratch marks on my forearm. I snapped out of it and yanked some paper towels from the holder.

After fully composing myself I exited the bathroom, keeping my head down. Luckily I didn't drop my books when I was fleeing so I went to the self checkout to scan my books. I had just checked out when someone tapped me on the shoulder. Flinching I turned around.

The guy from before stood there shifting his weight from food to foot. "Hey I just wanted to apologise for freaking you out earlier. I didn't mean to do that," he said looking at me with concern. 

"Its fine," I mumbled. "I'm fine."

"You sure? I can give you a ride somewhere if you need it," he said motioning to the door. 

"No, I have my car. Sorry for keeping your girlfriend waiting," I said shifting my books. 

He took the books from me and began walking towards the doors. "Claire's my sister," he said smiling. "I'm a free man." I gave him a tight lipped smile and followed him. "You know... I think you might just need to give me your number. In case you ever need someone carry your books for you again" He said as he looked down at me. 

I blushed, "I think I can take care of myself," I said as I took my books from him and stopped at my car. He stopped too. 

"Well I'll give you mine. Just in case ya know?" He said winking at me as he wrote his number on my library receipt. "Call me,"he said walking away. 

I stood there for a sec before loading Tessa into my car and driving home. Well today was a strange day...


A/n hey! So I decided to start writing again. I have no idea if I'll keep this going but I have nothing better to do. I know it's rough and short but give me some feedback if you like!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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