Chapter 2 Part One

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 Picture of Nyjah on the side.


"Louis! Come on! We've got to go! Were going to be late!" I yelled to Louis across the house.

"Do  you mind! Im saying goodbye to Hannah!"

He was? I didnt know Hannah Walker was here!.

I ran across the house to see her. When I spotted her I yelled. 



"Im going to miss you so much!"

"Im going to miss you so much also Liz!"

We hugged. 

"Well, Louis I guess we better go if we're going to get to auditions on time!"

And we were off.

We got in. then they said we didnt make it. Then thay made us who we are today. One Direction.

4:00 A.M. London

"Wake up! We need to get to the airport!" I heard Liam yell to all of us.

I quickly got out of bed and tird my long brown hair up in a pony. Then I got my skateboard that i got in America. I picked up my iPod touch, my Macbook pro, my iPhone and my headphones and put them into my messenger bag. I grabbed my guitar also.

I grabbed all my bags put on some TOMS and put them on and ran out the door. 

As I did, I ran into Harry. 

"Hey, Hazza."

"Sup girly."

"Liam says that we need to be downstairs now."

And we were off.

We ran down the stairs as best to our abilities. We met the other guys in the living room.

Paul walked in as soon as we did and we were off.

Once on the plane we walked to our seats. Harry sat near the window, I sat in the middle and Niall sat on the outside.

 Oh boy. I thought. This is going to be a long ride.

"Im hungry." Both me and Niall said at the same time. We both laughed.

I took out my iPod and turned on some Big Time Rush. 

Niall laughed. "Really, Bir Time Rush?"

'Yeah so? Im a Rusher."

"I thought youd be more of a Belieber." 

Just then a 'That Should Be Me' by The Great JB came on.

Niall's face reddened. 

I laughed and gave him an earbud so he could listen.

He quietly sang along but the song ended and 'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran came on.

The last thing I heard was Niall softly singing to me.


Almost to New York.

"Monkey, Monkey. Wake up we are almost to the airport."

I opened my eyes to Zayn's beautiful eyes.

"Vas Happenin!"

 "Hey, Zayn. What's the crac?" A/N Michaela is Irish Louis's mum and dad are her foster parents.

" Nothin really."

"When did you switch seats with Harry?"

" A few hours ago."

Just then the flight attendant's voice  came on the livespeaker.

"Please buckle your safetybelts for landing."

And we buckled up.


As we stepped of the plane I saw in the distance a familiar white SUV. I knew it was my boyfirend, Nyjah and my best friends Megan, Dana , Leah, and Mary.

i ran toward them at top speed. 

We gathered into a hug. Then I  jumped into Nyjah's strong arms and felt at home. 


"LizzieBelle Ive missed you so much. You don't know how much. I love you."

"I love you too, baby." 

Just then the boys and Paul showed up. 

" Guys this is my boyfriend, Nyjah Hudson Professional Street League Skateboarder. And these girls over here are Megan, Dana, Leah , and Mary my best friends in the whole wide world."

I'll post more later I just like dramatic effect. ALOT!! <3

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