Chapter Six

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Turning down side streets, running stop signs, I occasionally glance the mirror to see if my follower pursued me.

They were still there. Always a couple feet back but right on my tail.

˜How the hell do I lose them??' I think to myself.

I make my way to the most public and crazy place I know that would for sure lose them.


I take a deep breath.

"This is so illegal." I whisper.

Punching the brakes, I pull the wheel to make a sharp U turn, making sure no cars were there of course. Hearing my tires screech against the pavement, smoke blows all around me and I immediately take off in the opposite direction.

"Don't look back. Don't look back." I looked back.

The car was right up my cars butt. And without consent.

I hit the gas even harder, foot slamming to the floor. Quickly, I turn the wheel to the right feeling my body lean as the car screeches in the turn. This continued for a while, until I could see the sacred glow of the Walmart sign.

"Oh Finally!"

I whirl into the parking lot, even in the middle of the night you could always count on it to be full. I turned my lights off and went around a few times before parking, frantically looking around for my pursuer only to see pedestrians and the occasional homeless person.

Sighing I slump in my seat, remaining there for a couple hours to make sure I was safe before starting the car and heading home.

The whole way home I glance in my rear view mirrors looking for the dark car.   What was it that Alex had said before?  Something about people being after him?

The decision to tell him was hard. I didn't want to make him even more eccentric than he already was by telling him.  But something like this was insane.  I had to tell him.   Turning down my street, I park and go unlock the front door, completely exhausted.  I throw my bag somewhere on the floor, kick my shoes off while making sure to lock the door.  I didn't need some creepy stalker men to bust into my apartment while I'm asleep. 

I don't bother changing, belly flopping onto my bed and let sweet sleep take me to a better place.

Beep beep


I try to ignore the annoying chirping of my phone, slamming one of the pillows on top of my head.

A moment of silence.

"Finally." I whisper.

Beep beep


I spring out of bed and snatch my phone.


"Kat? Kat you need to listen to me very carefully. I-"

"Alex? You wont believe what happened just now." I say running a hand through my hair. "I was followed. Like some creepy black car was tailing me for awhile. Probably since we left the alley."

"Wait what? Are you serious??"

"Yeah! Pretty serious. There were a couple of suspicious guys in a lane close to ours. I wouldn't be surprised if it was them."

"What guys?"

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow. "You didn't see them at all?"

"I was very focused on winning, okay?"


"Whatever,  look how fast can you get to the lab?"

"Give me twenty minutes."

"Okay hurry and be safe."

I click to hang up and bolt out of bed, grabbing my keys as I head for the door.

Being back on the road again made me nervous. The image of the two men haunt the back of my mind as I cautiously creep to my car. Making sure to keep an eye out for my pursuers. This was the kind of baloney you saw in action movies, wishing you could be the star but not actually wanting to partake in any of the action.

The drive to the lab was an anxiety filled trip that consisted of me looking into the rear view mirror every twenty seconds.

"Alex you better have a plan.." I whisper as I continue down the desolate road.

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