Chapter Eleven

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Molly Brown.

The unsinkable Molly Brown was talking to me. She was sitting right across from me. I was breathing the same air.

"Whats the matter? Cat got yer tongue, sweetheart?" She smiles as the women around us give disapproving looks.

"Oh its alright.  Were not as mean as people think." She leans a little closer to me. "Though some of these folks have quite the stick up their rears."

I laugh as she sits back into her chair. "But where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Margaret. Margaret Brown, though my friends call me Maggie."

"Katherine Thatch."

"Well, its nice to you meet you." She gives me a soft smile.

"It's really nice to meet you as well." 

"Thatch?" Quirks a nearby lady. "Your name sounds familiar. How is it your family acquired their fortune?"

"Maybe shes in fashion? Her dress is quite high end."

"Please. She seems.. different. Much too different for fashion. Mining industry perhaps?"

"Smells like new money." Whispers another. Her nose scrunching as if smelling an awful odor.

"Umm..." How did I? . "Well, I actually made my money through..." My eyes wander through out the room, searching for something I could use.
A glossy black piano sat in the corner of the room, its ivory keys glinting in the sunlight.

"The piano." I say, as I reach for the cup in front of me. "I play at balls and. . . You know, other functions."

"So you are a pianist?"

"Why yes." I pause, taking a sip from the cup before. I try not to purse my lips as the bitter liquid coats my tongue. "My father was an instructor, he taught me everything I know."

It wasn't a total lie. I did know how to play, although my father didn't teach me he was very strict about practice.  The mere mention sets my fingers into an ache at the memory.

"Hmmph." I hear a lady to my right laugh to another. "Probably some small town tutor."

Margaret gives them a hard glare. "Now, tell me Mrs. Hilthrow. Whens the last time you've played an instrument? Much less touched one?" The lady next to me goes beet red but decides her tea was much more interesting to answer.
"Regardless of his standings, I'm sure he is a great musician. Perhaps you'll play something for us one of these days, Miss Katherine?"

"Of course." I beam. "I would love too."

Suddenly the horn sounds, signaling our current departure.

"Oh! We're about to head off the docks." The ladies ease out of their chairs and casually head towards the deck as the ship lurches forward into motion.
I spot Margaret just a little ahead and catch up to her side. 

"Id like to thank you for defending me and my father back there." I say.

She gives me a soft smile and loops her arm through mine.

"Oh my pleasure darlin'. Besides," she laughs. "I love any excuse to get Miss Hilthrow off that high horse of hers."

"I had never seen someone turn so red." I join.

"Quite like a tomato."

Our laughs echo down the corridor as ladies give us disapproving looks. 

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