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"You know, maybe Ash is not really that dense..." Dawn mused. Misty, May and Dawn were at Ash's house for a late birthday party, when suddenly Dawn brings up the topic.

"Um.  Why? " May asked.
"Because... do you think he is really that dense to have not realised what that girls hinted?" Dawn pointed out.

"Yupp!! Really!!" May said.
"Bu-but what if he hadn't noticed it at all??" Misty defended.

"Nope. Sorry Misty.Its impossible. " Dawn said. "There is really only two options... either there is some other girl or...." Here, May stopped to take a look at Misty's face.  Her face was clouded with anxiety and worry.

"Or.... he is gay...." May trailed off here.
Dawn caught on and noticed Misty's face. Hesitantly, she said,

"That can't be possible,  right Mist??"

"Misty? " Dawn asked again.
The said girl suddenly lost her cool and shouted

"ITS IMPOSSIBLE!!! ASH CAN'T BE GAY!!!  HE JUST CAN'T!!!" He-he ju-just can-can't...." suddenly she flopped down and started crying. "No-no.." she kept whimpering.

"Oh no!" Dawn said as she went to hug her. "Misty sshhh don't cry.." Dawn soothed rubbing circles on her back.  "Butt if he really has a crush???" She kept crying.

"Nonono... we will maje sure it's not!! We know how much you love him. We won't let this happen!!!" May said, determined.

You love him...
Unknowingly Ash was listening to all of that. He originally came to inform them about the dinner but stopped when he heard the word 'gay' and 'Ash' in the same sentence.

He, never, in his life thought that someone might ever consider him gay. Hearing  Misty's cries triggered sonething in him.... he realised that he loved her...

With a sigh, he said,

"Misty...  if you only knew...."

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