Your Body is a Wonderland

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Your birthday is tomorrow, but today you decided to make it your party day-it hadn't been much-just dinner and the mall with a couple friends-but it's fun. It is a perfect LA night and you go to your favorite restaurant, the Cheesecake Factory, and get your favorite food. You also go shopping to your favorite stores, Forever 21 and Barnes & Noble, and your friends pay for anything that you want. Even though it is fun being with your friends, you can't stop thinking about later, when Sam will pick you up and take you on a "surprise getaway," as he called it. He had been so excited when you asked him what his plan for your birthday was, saying how fun it is and how amazed you'd be. He was also very secretive about it saying, "If I tell you it'll ruin the surprise." The dinner and shopping ended before you knew it, and your friends ask you if you need a ride home.

"Oh, um, no. Sam's gonna be picking me up," you admit, blushing.

"Ooooo where's he taking you?" your friend questions.

"Actually-I don't know yet," you laugh, "he said it was a surprise."

"Well, have fun (Y/N)! Tell us the details tomorrow!" she says with a smile. And then they they left, waving their goodbyes, and you wait for Sam to arrive. It is almost 6 'o clock when he pulls up in front of you.

"Come away with me, my princess," he jokes.

"You dork," you laugh as you slide into the passenger seat.

"Happy early Birthday," he says with a smile and a kiss.

"So, are you gonna tell me where we're going yet?" you question, hoping he'll tell you.

His lips curve upward, he laughs and says, "You'll find out soon, (Y/N)." You watch him as he drives and notice how he is dressed. He's wearing a really nice button down flannel and jeans. The sun is setting and his eyes sparkle in the light. You watch him as he drives and then he notices that you're looking, and says, "Am I looking good?"

"No," you joke, with a smirk. "Are we there yet?"


You notice he's taking you somewhere far, somewhere secluded, romantic. Your stomach has butterflies just thinking of all the places he could take you-the romantic gestures he'd make. He slows the car as it takes a wide turn, and you arrive at a house. It's a beautiful beach house on the California coast. It's painted white with an orange roof, and it's three stories high. You notice it has its own private beach and pool. Sam watches your face for your reaction.

"Sam! Oh my gosh! It's beautiful!" You exclaim. "Did you rent this out just for my birthday?"

"Yeah....well actually, I bought it, for us," he shyly grins. You don't know what to say. It was a nice gesture, what he did. But you aren't sure what to think. You had only been dating him for a year and a few weeks. It seems a little early to be moving in together. But you are overjoyed and dismiss the thought. If he did want to move in together, why not?, you think.

The two of you exit the car and walk down the path leading up to the house. Before you enter it, you give him a long, hard kiss.

"I love you, Sam," you stare into his deep, blue eyes and he stares back with intensity.

"I love you, too, (Y/N). I knew it the day I met you," his eyes beam with joy and then he says, "Do the honors?" He hands you a key that is etched with 'S + (your first name initial).' You unlock the door and see the spacious living room, decked out with a flat screen tv and white fluffy couches.

"Just wait until you see the rest," Sam says, grabbing your hand. He gives you a tour of the house and when you're done, says, "I left the patio for last."

You are about to ask why, when he leads you outside. The patio is beautiful; it is ornamented with paper lanterns that give off a soft glow of light in the night. Sam's eyes shine in the light and he says, "It's beautiful, right?" All you can do is nod and stare in awe and how much effort he put into this.

"Uh, I gotta get your other gift..."

"Other gift???" you question as his runs into the house.

When he comes back, he has a present in his hand.

"Open it," he says excitedly.

You do, and it's tickets to your favorite band's concert.

You stand up to hug Sam, and you squeeze him tightly. You give him a small kiss on the lips, and thank him for everything he did tonight. "Come with me upstairs," he says. You follow him upstairs to the bedroom, and you notice his guitar was out and ready. "Are you gonna serenade me, Woolf?" you ask. All he does is smile, and starts to play. You recognize the song immediately: "Your Body Is A Wonderland" by John Mayer. It was one of his favorites and he always said it was "our song." While he's singing, he looks you in the eye, and you get butterflies in your stomach.

He finishes the song and walks up to you, holds your face in his hands, and without a word, kisses you. Deep, slow, full of excitement and energy. "What's next?" you smile mischievously. "This." he says. He lifts you up and sets you on the bed. On top of you, he kisses you with much more intensity. You unbutton his shirt, and he unbuttons yours. You both take off you pants and you are both in only your underwear. You kiss the side of his neck and he breathes, "(Y/N..)." As you are about to take off your bra, he stops you, saying, "Are you sure you want to do this?" It is both of your first times. "More than sure," you confirm. "Alright. He kisses you and says very seriously, "You're so beautiful." Then, he takes off your underwear and you take off his. It wasn't what you were expecting for your first time. You thought it would be terrible and wouldn't last long, since you were both inexperienced. It wasn't though; it was perfect. "Sam, I love you," you say softly. Sam says, "I love you too, (Y/N). You are absolutely amazing."

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