Chapter One

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Chapter 1

"fuck" demi cursed as she turn off the alarm.

she groggily wake up and stumble to the bathroom. As usual, she do the morning routine. Taking a quick wash, and brushing her teeth, etc.

She doesn't even care about her make up, she brush her hair and let it falls on her back.

Using some powder to cover her wrinkles, and add some concealer to remove a eye bag under eyes. Blame it all to her stressful work.

She took her favorite white plain shirt and black blazer, with a black pencil skirt. Yeah, she's not fashionable at all. Once again blame it to her fucking boss who never raise her salary.

Demi walk to her mini kitchen, and heated some pizza leftover, with some black coffee.

She hungrily ate those pizza and chugged her drink quickly, realize she's not going to be late. Again.

Quickly she put her dishes in the sink, and took her purse and phone.

"Good morning demetria!" The old lady greeted, as she making sure that locked her flat. "Good morning sandy!" The young one replied, smiled weakly.

"Have a good day" sandy grinned and left, before demi could say anything.

Demi turn on the engine, and drive off to the driveway.

"Happy valentine day to all of you! I could feel the love in the air tonight, so prepare yourself for some romantic surprise or you'll get maybe some!"

Demi laughed at the jokes. And of course she laughing on her own love life. How pathetic is, 23 year old young woman, with no man?

She's been on and off with relationship lately, last time she had a boyfriend its about 8 month ago, and the worst part is she always ended up getting brokenhearted.

Being dumped, left, in broken and fragile condition are usual for demi. But she can't denied that she felt lonely in some ways. And it's hurt's a lot.

When all her friends going out with their boyrfiend/girlfriend, while she stuck with work to do. Yep, she making herself busy as possible.

Cause when she have nothing else to do, she had this weird empty space.

And she swear to herself, that she'll be strong and not gonna date 'till she ready to.

A loud horn noise coming from a car behind her, making her jumped in shock.

She hit the pedal, hard. And in a couple minute she park her car in the parking lot.

Demi took her car key, purse and the paper she's been working on lately and step in to the elevator and press the 8th floor.

She's been working in The Johnson company, one of the biggest book publishing company in the world, all she have to do is counting the benefit and dis advantage of the company.

Sound easy, but she've been working her ass off to get the job.

The elevator stop by the 4th floor and a young curly hair suited man step in, she look up and their eyes locked. Quickly demi look away

Demi been thru this moment for a month, almost every time she use the elevator, she always meet the same guy.

Maybe fate? But they don't even know each other name.

They just stood there in an awkward silence, sometimes they caught looking at each other and look away. But Nobody say a word.

Harry's lips stay froze, even from the first time he laid his eyes on her, he just want to make a first move, but he just couldn't. Same with Demi.

Demi tapped her heels impatiently for him to say a word, but nothing.

The elevator open and they both step off, demi to the right office and harry on the left office.

"Haven't talk to him yet aren't ya?" Her co-worker also her close friend, Allie nudge. "I just cant! Woman can't make a first move!" Demi folded her arms.

"Okay dems, just forget it. Anyway, do you have plans today?" "Nope" she say popping the p.

"How about you go with me and jake?" She offered. "Hell no, i don't to be the third wheel in your date!"

"But you c-" "No allie, i have some extra work to do anyway." Demi faking smile. Of course she just make her self busy.

"But it's valentines day.." The blonde one whined and handed demi the paper work.

"Who cares, i don't have anyone to celebrate it too, in fact tonight its just me and these lovely paper" she joked pointing to a bunch of paper in front of her.

"What ever you say my love" allie giggled and left.

The rest of the day went pretty quick, many workers have left, including Allie and his boyfriend Jake. Only some workers and staff left and of course, demi.

She packed her things and left the office, her phone buzzed and try to find it on her purse until she bumped into a person. All her papers flying at all over the floor, and guess who she bumped into.

Couldn't be any luckier, she thought.

A/N i think i'm going delete this fanfic soon, because i've just recived one comment and votes. let me know if i shouldn't, comment and votes will be appreciated, please :) pricilla xo 

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