The Frozen Hero

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Chapter 5

After Steve left Jamie made it through the rest of her editing with ease. She went to Ann’s office and knocked on the door.

“Come in.” Ann said from inside the office. Jamie walked in.

“Here are the edited paper’s miss.” Jamie said setting them down on her desk.

“Good, good, good. Thank you. You may leave now, go home early, you’ve been working so hard.”

“Thanks miss.” Jamie said smiling.

“Now go, and please call me Ann.”

“Yes, mi-Ann.” Jamie said before leaving.

Jamie went home and showered. The contact the water made with her skin made her wince. Jamie powered through though. Jamie got out of the shower and changed into this.

Jamie sat down on the couch, and sighed. Jamie wished it was six. Jamie started thinking about Steve. How protective and caring he is. How sweet and old fashioned he is. He’s someone who generally cares, and that’s something Jamie loves about Steve. Her thoughts were interupted by a knock on the door.

“Hi.” Jamie said opening the door to find Steve.

“Hi, are you ready?” Steve asked.

“Yeah,” Jamie said before shutting Jacob’s apartment door and locking it. Jamie and Steve made small talk until Steve stopped infront of a motorcyle.

“Oh, no.” Jamie said.

“What?” Steve asked.

“I’m not going to get on that death ride.” Jamie said pointing at the motorcyle.

“I won’t let you die.” Steve said. Jamie sighed.

“Fine, but if I die I’m blaming you.” Jamie said sitting on the so called death trap.

About fifteen minutes later Jamie and Steve walked into a small diner. Once they were seated they started talking.

“So, how was work today?”

“Fine, same as any other day. Edited some papers.” Jamie said, as he water arrived. “How was your day?” I asked Steve.

“It was fine.” Steve repiled.

“What’s your last name?” Jamie asked Steve.

“Ah, it’s Rodgers.”

“I can’t believe I didn’t realize this sooner.”

“Realize what sooner?” Steve asked. Jamie leaned across the table.

“You’re Captain America.”

“So, you’re a fan.”

“Well, I kind of was. My younger brother was in love with you. It was scary how much he idoleized you.” Jamie said before a sad look crossed over her face.

“What is it?” Steve asked looking concered.

“My brother died, in a car accident about three years ago. A drunk driver hit him”

“Jamie, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay, you didn’t know.” Jamie said. The waiter brought there food over. Jamie and Steve made small talk, and by the time they were done it was almost 8:30. Jamie and Steve were heading back to the motorcyle when they saw Jacob. When Jacob noticed them he looked pissed. He ran over to Steve and Jame.

“What are you doing out here with Steve.” Jacob asked his words slured.

“Jacob, you’re drunk. Calm down, we don’t need to do this in public.” Jamie said worriedly.

“You’re right.” Jacob said grabbing her arm roughly and throwing her into his truck. Steve was about to do something, but Jacob quickly sped away.

Jacob was speeding fast down the road.

“Listen you bitch, you have one chance to be honest with me, or else you’re going to get it. Are you dating that Steve guy?”

“No.” Jamie said. She felt a sharp pain on her cheeck .

“Why the hell don’t I believe you.”

“Listen Jacob, I think we need to be done, okay we’re over. I can’t deal with this, or you anymore.” At that Jacob spung out of control. He drove over a bridge and into a lake. The car hit the water, and water quickly flowed into the car. Jamie looked over at Jacob who was laying down. Jamie tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t open. Jamie’s lungs were getting weaker. And suddenly she couldn’t breath. 

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