The Frozen Hero

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Chapter 11

When they arrived at the hospital, Jamie couldn’t keep her eyes open. And, she didn’t know if she was tired or if it was from amount of blood lost. Clint, Natasha, and Steve rushed her into the hospital as soon as they got there. Jamie was immediately getting checked on. She was getting stiches, but her hand was the first thing that got checked out. Luckily there was no nerve damage.

Jamie was currently sleeping when Natasha walked over to Steve.

“We grabbed Luke’s file.” Natasha said placing a hand on Steve’s shoulder.

“And, what did it say?” Steve said his voice with no emotion.

“He tried to re-create the super solider serum. He failed.”
“Then why is he stronger than me?” Steve asked.

“He was already strong.” Natasha said. Jamie started to stir and suddenly her eyes opened. She looked around the room and groaned.

“I hate hospitals.” Jamie said looking over at Steve and Natasha. Natasha smiled.

“How are you feeling?” Natasha asked.

“Alright, better than before.” Jamie said looking over at Steve. Steve placed his hand on Jamie’s.

“Do you need anything?” Steve asked looking at Jamie.


“I’m going to give you guys a minute.” Natasha said leaving the room. Jamie looked at Steve and rested her head on his hand.

“Thank you for coming.”

“There’s no need to thank me, I’ll always come for you.” Steve said leaning in. Once there lips meet sparks flew once again. The kiss was nice, calm, and passionate all at the same time. They heard the door open and Jamie’s and Steve’s face were as red as a tomato.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.” Clint said walking in. “Did Natasha tell you about Luke?” Clint said. Jamie had a confused look on her face and Steve nodded.

“Yes, she did.” Clint nodded.

“What about Luke?” Jamie asked looking between the two men.

“He re-created the serum that made Steve Captain America. It went wrong, and now he’s dangerous.” Clint said looking at Jamie.

“You caught him though, right?” Jamie asked a hopeful look in her eyes.

“I’m afraid not.” Steve said stroking Jamie’s hair. “But we will.” Jamie nodded and closed her eyes again trying to get some sleep.

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