Duas brought her back..🖤

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Hello guys .... Im back with another short and inspirational story... The story of a 16 year old girl Noora and her family.....Do vote , comment and share.....Hope uh enjoy as much as I  did while writing it.....🖤🖤

Noora's  p.o.v

"Assalamualaikum . Noora give the phone to your mom quick   ...." Dad's voice broke as he spoke with anguish ...
...In the conversation that followed dad instructed us to go North to see my grandfather who had been taken seriously ill and seemed to be breathing hia last ... He said he would wind up a few chores and meet us there ...We dumped a few essentials in a suitcase and left  immediately....
Rain was pouring down , emitting a gleam on the path along the spots where the bright moon illuminated it , and my mother gripped the stirring wheel tightly, with both hands . We were heading north where the roads were bordered by mountains and were very curvy... She looked ahead , her thin jaw set in a firm line . I wanted to calm her down and make her smile and to take her mind off my grandfather's sudden illness , but there seemed to be an unfathomable and an unseen barrier around her.... Instead , I gazed out if my rain streaked window and listened to the sound of the drumming rain on the car.. I tried to pray Allahua_Akbar in my mind with the rhythm of the rain ...It was challenge keeping up with the pelting raindrops.....Images of my last visit to my grandfather's house flashed in my mind...I had looked so fit and fine ....We used to walk to the grocery shop every evening to buy milk , which was thirty minutes walk to and fro...
"Oh Allah!! safeguard and protect my grandfather...And grant him a long life . ..." A prayer escaped my lips admist my thoughts...I continued to pray as I stated out at a endless road ...We were still two hours away from grand father's house and the road was empty , except heavy duty trucks  here and there ..I closed my eyes . The darkness was wrapping around me and making me feel sleepy....I don't know how long I slept for ...But I woke up to sudden flashing lights and sound of screeching brakes penetrating through the stillness of the night.. the air was filled with the piercing sound of glass pieces and twisted metal... I heard my mother scream....
"Innalillah!!" ....That twisted my gut but the silence that followed it cut more ... I tried to turn my head...Tried to see her....But savage pain racked through my neck and spine when I  did...Our car had broken open in some way , and rain pelted us mercilessly ......

"There's not much we can do now ....Im very sorry Mr . Ahmad but there's no chance to save your wife...."
Doctor's words collapsed my world ..My view became blank...The thought of all the problems occurring in my life making ne feel numb...Darkness engulfed me...Problems swallowed me....Only one hope left.....Allah..🖤

.............Days passed making me more restless....It has been two years now...Two years since I stumbled out of the wreckage onto the hospital bed,  two years since my mother slipped inti her coma...Two years since my Grandfather recovered from his illness only to suffer the anguish of his ONLY daughter ... There hadn't be a single day wherein we didn't woke up for Tahajjud and please allah to bring my mother back from the slumber.....

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