"I Love You!"

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It was currently 6:02pm and you had a date at 7:30. You decided to ring your friend Joe on FaceTime. "Hi love" he said after it connected. 

"Hi Joseph, are you busy?" You asked.  

"No, well I'm editing a video but I can still talk" he smiled. 

"Are you sure?" You asked again as you knew YouTube was very important. 

"I have all the time in the world for you Y/N" he said smiling really close into the camera. This is how yours and Joes friendship always was. It was really flirty and sweet. "So what do you want?" He said laughing. 

"Well I'm going on a date tonight with this guy I met in Hyde Park and we are going to this fancy restaurant so I need you to help me choose between these three dresses" you smiled. 

"Wait, your going on a date?" He asked stopping what he was doing. 

"Well yeah I'm still single" you said laughing. 

"Oh, what's he like?" Joe asked. 

"From what I know so far he is really sweet and funny" you explained. 

"Oh" he said sighing going back to his editing. "So can you help me?" You begged. "Yeah okay, we have to make sure you look your best right?" He said. You laughed and stood up picking up the first dress. It was a red dress, tight fitted and revealed your breast line. 

"What about this one?" You asked. He looked it up and down. 

"Model it for me" he smiled.

 "Okay" you said laughing and went off the camera to put it on. You walked back into view, "Joe look" you said as his head turned. "You look nice babe" he smirked. 

"Your not getting any thoughts?" You asked. All the boys (buttercream gang) said Joe had a massive crush on you but you weren't sure if you believed them, he was an attractive guy but like every other fairy tale, you didn't want to ruin your friendship so chose to ignore it. "No" he said laughing looking away from you. The next dress was a gold, tight fitted dress and also showed off your figure and boobs. 

"I present to you the second dress" you said walking over to your phone. 

"You look lovely but it's more for a club than a fancy restaurant" he smiled. 

"Or you just don't want this guy to see too much boob?" You laughed teasing him. 

"Whats his name?" He asked. 

"Luke" you smiled. 

"Like from 5SOS" he asked. 

"Yeah but it's not him" you laughed.

 "Downgrade" he smirked.

 "I know" you frowned. The final dress was a royal blue colour, tight fit and was a little less revealing of the other two. "Last option" you said sliding across the floor falling over. 

"You dork" he said laughing. You stood up laughing hysterically. 

"What do you think?" You said calming down. 

"Why do you keep wearing such tight fit dresses?" He said. 

"Why not?" You asked. 

"Well yes you have the figure but you don't want to give the guy a bonor the first night" he smiled. 'Have I give you one?' You thought to yourself. You just smiled.

 "Which dress Joe?" You asked. 

"The red one" he said carrying on his editing. You nodded. "Thanks Joe" you said. 

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