Secret Admirers

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Friday nights were always the best. You would go to Joe's house with all of the buttercream squad and have drinks. You were the only girl, but you didn't care because the boys were your best friends. You met them through Conor because you did a singing collaboration with him once and became really good friends. You wore black skinny jeans, a black bralette with a red and black tartan thin jacket.

You had been at Joe's for an hour and half when Caspar spoke up, "there's a rumour going round you know?" He said looking at you.
"What rumour?" You asked raising your eyebrows sipping your wine.
"Apparently there is a guy who likes you but doesn't have the guts to tell you." Caspar said looking around at all the boys, putting a crisp into his mouth.
"Who is it?" You said getting excited.
"He will kill me if I tell you" Caspar said shaking his head.
"I thought we were best friends" You pouted trying to blackmail him.
"Well, he's also my best friend" Caspar chuckled.
"But Casp, all your best friends are here and it's definitely not one of them" you said nodding towards the boys.
"Chill Y/N your not that ugly you know" Conor laughed.
"What?" You said shocked.
"I mean your ugly, but like your fuckable" Conor laughed teasing you.
"Oi" You said throwing a pillow towards him.
"You aren't ugly at all" Mikey smiles.
"Thankyou Mikey" You said laughing.
"I mean I have a girlfriend but I still think your pretty" Oli said hugging you.
"Aw your sweet" you said smiling at him.
"Yeah I was joking, your a good looking girl and I know if I was that boy who fancied you I would ask you out" Conor said kissing the top of your head whilst walking to Joe's fridge to get another beer.
"So it's not you then?" You questioned.
"Y/N, your beautiful but your like my little sister so no, it's not me" He smiles sitting back down next to Jack and Oli.
"Anyway what film should we watch?" Joe said piping up.
"Film? Love Island is on in 10 minutes we are watching it" You said running and grabbing the remote. You sat on Joe's lap and put your legs over Caspar lying back on the armrest.

The next morning you woke up on the chair cuddled up to Jack and saw everyone on the floor or the settees.
Everyone else was already awake apart from Jack and Conor. Byron, who had been on a date the night before, was sat on the breakfast bar. You got up and started making some cereal since you already knew where it was.
"So Y/N, I heard about the guy who is in love with you" Byron said winking.
"Oh so he's in love with me?" You questioned whilst putting the milk back into the fridge.
"No, he's not" Joe laughed.
"Can you all just admit there is no guy? Or at least give me a name?" You pleaded putting a spoonful of cornflakes in your mouth.
"Hmmmm" Byron said and all the boys looked at him.
"No names but he looks like one of us" Byron laughed and went over to the TV.

Later during the day Caspar, you and Josh were sat in the kitchen whilst the boys played Fortnight in the living room.
"Do you want to hear more about your secret admirer?" Caspar smirked.
"Not really?" You sighed.
"Why not?" Josh asked eyebrows raised.
"Because I'm pretty sure he doesn't exist!" You said rolling your eyes.
You were so bored of this already, if someone liked you so much then why didn't they just tell you? You also couldn't believe it could be one of your best friends.

A few days later you were sat with Joe as he had come to your house to film a video.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Joe said after seeing you daydream whilst he set up the camera.
You started to laugh, "Just thinking about the boys and all their secret admirer crap!"
"You don't think you have one?" Joe said sitting next to you and facing you.
"I honestly don't know, but if I do I don't see why he can't just talk to me, especially if he's one of my best friends!" You ranted.
"Maybe he's afraid you won't like him back" Joe said going quiet.
"But how will I ever know if he won't talk to me" You sighed lying down.
"Give him a break he's a shy guy" Joe laughed leaning over and checking the microphone.
"So you know who it is too?" You asked sitting up pleading for him to tell you.
"Maybe" Joe said winking and turning on the camera.

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