I Still Care About You

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It was a Saturday night. You were at your friend Lucy's house party. It was about 11:30 at night and you were getting really drunk. You'd been having an amazing night drinking and dancing, but you were nervous. Since high school you had 5 best friends. Lucy, Caspar, Lilly, Oli and Joe. You were a six and it worked because there were 3 boys and 3 girls. Spin the bottle was always eventful. Through the years some of you had dated. Lilly and Caspar dated for about a year when they were 16. They broke up but we all stayed best friends. Lucy and Oli started dating when they were 19 and are still dating now at 25. You and Joe had dated from 15 until about 6 months ago. It had ended on good terms but you always felt awkward. You still loved him, so you did what you thought would be best. You distanced from him. You dodged his texts, his calls and even stopped going to group events. It was Lucy's 26th birthday and you couldn't miss her party, even if that meant Joe was showing up. It would be the first time you had seen him since 4 months ago when you saw eachother at Starbucks and you hurried out so he couldn't talk to you. Even Joe, Caspar and Oli's subscribers had noticed you weren't around anymore. When Oli was asked about it in a Q and A on his channel he explained that you were really busy and you still talked to him. This was true, you still talked to everyone but Joe. You would meet up with them if Joe wasn't there. They knew this too though and had told you that it was making everything awkward. This is why you couldn't back out of this party, you could risk losing your best friends. 

You were dancing with a boy you had met who was one of Lucy's work friends. He was called Oscar. He was really good looking with dark hair that he'd placed in a quiff and an olive skin tone. He had deep brown eyes. He was gorgeous. You'd been with him all night and then Lucy came over. "The boys are here" she said excitedly and grabbed your hand. You gulped. 

"Hi guys" she said running straight to Oli to plant a kiss on his lips. Lilly stood next to you just trying to stand straight. She was really drunk, but she'd always been a lightweight. You smiled and hugged Caspar.

"I've missed you" he said hugging you, lifting you slightly because he was so tall. You just hugged him tighter, hearing Joe say hello to Lucy and Lilly. 

"Lets dance Oli" Lucy said pulling him out the kitchen. Caspar let you go and lifted Lilly over his shoulder. "I'm going to take her to bed, you know what she's like" he said laughing and walking away despite Lilly trying to convince him she was sober. That just left you and Joe alone in the kitchen. You wrapped your arms around yourself suddenly feeling cold. 

"You okay?" He asked taking off his jacket handing it to you. You just shook your head, "I'm fine Joe but thanks."

You poured yourself some coke and added vodka, lots of vodka. "Calm down Y/N, I know you don't like vodka" he said taking the bottle from you. If you got drunk you would feel more comfortable around everyone. "It's not that bad" you said taking a mouthful feeling sick already. "You always say that and blame me for letting you drink it" he said laughing and then his smile faded. You didn't live together anymore so how could you blame him? He wasn't going to be there to hold your hair back when your sick, or make you breakfast in bed and cuddle you until your hangover was gone. You'd be by yourself in the morning. 

"Y/N there you are! I've been looking for you" you heard Oscar say walking into the kitchen wrapping a hand around your waist. "I'm just talking to someone" you muttered. 

"Hi, I'm Oscar" he said putting his hand out to Joe. "Joe" he replied shaking it. "So how do you and Y/N know eachother?" Oscar asked. You looked at Joe wide eyed. "He's one of my friends, best friends" you said correcting yourself. Joe just nodded. "Lets dance" Oscar said pulling you away leaving Joe in the kitchen holding your vodka bottle. 

It was about midnight when you were doing shots with Lucy, Oli and Caspar. Joe was being quiet. You'd lost Oscar but you didn't care as you went over to a random blonde boy and started grinding against him along with the beat to "Breath" by Jax Jones. 

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