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(Y/N)'s POV

I walk into my house lazily, feeling fatigued from the long school day. "I'm hooome" I call out to my dad.

"Chris isn't here. He's at work" I hear, and see my step mom, Emma, walking down the stairs. I really like Emma, but she has her moments sometimes.

"Why, is he at work?" I ask.

Emma sighs, "we're just needing some more money around here. He's working the rest of the day."

I pout, "oh, okay."

I trudge my way upstairs and pull the slip of paper out of my backpack before throwing it aside. I flop onto my bed and reach for my laptop, "alright, time to email him I guess."

"Mr. Ackerman,

 Thanks for agreeing to help me with the project. What would you like me to do?



I send the email, and lay back down in bed. I close my eyes, waiting.

Within minutes, my laptop alerts me that I got an email back. Well that was quick...

"Thank you for emailing me.

I'm going to help you out. I have a presentation already made that was used by students last year. I'm expecting you and Farlan to use it. It has everything you will need. I'll attach it to the email.

Thanks again,

Levi Ackerman"

What the heck? Why would he just give me the presentation? Why is he being so weird all of a sudden?

"Hey (y/n), I'm going to the store. Wanna come?" I hear Emma yell from downstairs.

"Yeah, lemme get changed first!" I yell back.

I hastily get off my bed and make my way towards my dresser. I slip out of my uniform and put on a pair of comfy pants and a t-shirt, with a pair of converse. My style is basic, but at least it's better than the ugly school uniforms.

"Cmon (y/n)!" Emma yells again.

I start running down the stairs. "Coming!"

Emma grabs the car keys and heads out to the car, and I follow shortly behind. I look at my phone and see a text from Isabel.

"Change of plans. Would tonight work for the project?"

I think for a minute, which is silly cause I never have anything going on. "Yeah tonight works" I text back.

"Awesome. Come over at 7."

"Okay, cya"

"Hey Emma, Isabel want's me to come over tonight at 7. Is that okay?" I ask.

"Fine with me" she says nonchalantly. Emma is pretty cool. She let's me do anything really, which is nice. My dad is a little more strict, but thankfully not overbearing.

After a short drive, we get to the store. Emma parks the car as close to the entrance as she can get. We hop out of the car and head into the store, grabbing a cart. 

We peruse the isles adding random stuff to the cart, which quickly becomes full.

"Oh, (y/n) would you get cat food?" Emma asks.

"Yup" I give her a thumbs up and walk towards the pet isle. As I turn the corner, I see a familiar face, but not one I necessarily expected to see.

Mr. Ackerman stands in front of the cat food, right where I need to be. He suddenly shifts his focus in my direction, noticing me in his peripherals.

"Oh, (y/n)" he says quietly.

"H-hi Mr. Ackerman" I stutter awkwardly as I stand near him. I notice him subtly looking me up and down, studying my outfit. What, has he never seen a pair of sweatpants before?

"Uh- do you have a pet?" I ask, quickly trying to get his attention on my face rather than my body.

"Just a stupid cat" he says, rolling his eyes. "I needed to pick up cat food but Isabel invited me over to her place because she needs help with the project. I just thought I'd stop here first to get what I need."

D-did I hear that right? He's going to Isabel's too? Is it too late to change plans...? "O-oh really? I'm going to Isabel's too" I gulp nervously, while simultaneously trying to pick up a heavy bag of cat food.

Mr. Ackerman quickly comes to my side and helps me grab the bag. He swiftly slings it onto his shoulder like it was nothing. "Don't strain yourself, brat. Where's your cart?" He asks.

"Oh- uh follow me" I gesture him to follow behind and head to wherever Emma might be. After passing a few isles, I see her staring intensely at the nutritional facts on a box of cereal. She notices me, and then quickly notices Mr. Ackerman behind me, letting out a little gasp.

"Hi" Mr. Ackerman greets her.

"Er, hi. Who is this (y/n)?" She asks.

"My english teacher, Mr. Ackerman. He just happened to be here, and helped me carry the cat food" I explain.

"Oh...okay. Nice to meet you. You can just put them on the bottom."

Mr. Ackerman sets down the bag under the cart. "Thanks for the help" I smile at him.

"Yes, thank you" Emma says. "(Y/n) I'm gonna start checking out" she leaves the two of us behind, making things awkward again.

"I guess I'll be seeing you later then." I say uncomfortably.

Mr. Ackerman nods, "yes, I guess so." There are a couple moments of silence. "By the way, call me Levi."

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