06 // This... Is an Onion Ring

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The radio session and interview went off without a hitch and everyone was now seated outside an 'In-N-Out' which the boys had excitedly pointed out on the way to the radio station. Lucy was seated between Sam and Woody, with Dan, Kyle and Will across from her. Their table was filled with a variety of fast food. Hot chips smothered in a strange sauce, burgers and onion rings. Basically everything you could possibly order off the menu. When Lucy had told them that she had never been to In-N-Out before, they made a point of getting her to try everything.

"Guys, guys look at this" Kyle announced, "Lucy get your camera out you're gonna want to catch this" He continued as he re-tucked his napkin into the neck of his shirt in preparation. "This... Is an onion ring." He said holding up what looked like a deep fried wristband, only much wider. He then proceeded to demonstrate that he could fit his whole arm through it. Lucy just laughed and shook her head.

"You know you guys are lucky they don't have this place back home. I feel like you would have to be rolled on stage." Lucy said, reached across the table and grabbing one of onion rings placed in front of Kyle.

"Yeah, thats probably for the best" Dan added before taking a bite of his burger.

"So Lucy, got any embarassing stories about Ol' Sam here?" Will asked, putting his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his knuckles.

"Ummm..." Lucy pondered turning towards Sam, who gave her a look which translated as 'Dont you dare' She ignored him and turned back to Will, "Well there was that one time when he tried to take a short cut over a high fence, but he was halfway over when he got his jeans caught and couldnt get himself free so we walked off and just watched him struggle from afar"

"I was up there for almost an hour!" Sam exclaimed trying to gain sympathy from the group "The only help I could get was a little old lady who called the fire department!" The group burst into laughter at the thought of Sam having to be rescued off a fence by firemen.

"There was also th-" Lucy began once again before Sam covered her mouth with one hand and trapped her arms with his other.

"How about I tell you about the first time that Lucy tried to climb out of her bedroom window in the middle of the night, now thats a story" Sam said over Lucy's muffled voice, which got increasingly louder as she tried to continue her story. She broke her arms free and pulled his hand away from her mouth.

"NONONONONO. We don't talk about that" she said putting her now free hands over Sam's face. Everyone laughed at Lucy's valiant and successful attempt at stopping Sam from starting his story. They continued talking and laughing, Lucy quickly falling into place with the rest of the boys who she had just met no more than two days ago.

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Everyone piled into the hotel elevator, arms loaded with plastic bags of food which they had picked up on the way back. Lucy was jammed into the corner of the elevator, having been the first person in. She quickly placed her bags on the floor and lifted her camera over her head.

"Everyone say Hi!" There was a rustle of plastic as everyone turned around to look at Lucy, they all pulled various faces and didnt notice the door opening, releaving an elderly couple waiting to enter the elevator. "Umm... guys..." Lucy said quietly as she lowered her camera and gathered up her bags. They boys did the same and muttered apologies as they passed the old couple and entered the hallway, Lucy quietly giggling to herself as she trailed behind them.

They all filed into the kitchen putting their bags on the bench, trying to sort out what was whose and where to put it. Lucy sat on the bench in the corner of the room, watching the boys struggling as they bumped into eachother and got tangled in bags.

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