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He is stuck. Wakes up every morning scared and disgusted. He looks into the mirror. Bloodshot tired eyes and scarred wrists. He puts his clothes on differently than everybody else. He hides the unknown features on his body. He walks past his too comfortable and dearing parents. Walks out the door. Walks into the over crowded halls of everlasting dread. "Fucking fag", "Freak", "Attention whore". The names echo around his head. He walks into class and puts headphones on, letting the slow melody run through his body. He looks at other guys and holds back tears. Of course nobody knows why. Class comes to an end and he slowly gets up to make his way to the cafeteria. The unexpected urge to piss comes. But he can't. The long day ends. He walks into his house, making his way upstairs to his bedroom. He gets undressed. He can finally breathe. He changes into more healthy clothes. He lays down and cries himself to sleep, only to expect to wake up the next morning.  

If only he was him. If only he was in the body be belonged in. He is trapped in a females body. He is stuck.


so if you didn't know by now, this poem is about being transgender and basically explaining 'Body Dysphoria'. I guess this poem would be more understandable if you were transgender. But eh oh well I tried.

Depressing Poetry From A Depressing Boy.Where stories live. Discover now