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Chapter One

Agent Hill, can you tell me why the hell there are seven toddlers in my office, one being carried by Agent Coulson?” Fury boomed, his hands in his hips. His good eye glared at the six toddlers (with the exception of the lanky, blonde boy carried by Phil).

            “Well, it’s kind of a long story, sir,” Phil said.

            “Then make it short.”


            “Loki’s back,” Tony Stark’s voice came from Phil’s S.H.I.E.L.D. phone. Tony didn’t need to elaborate, as Phil was already on a quinjet. He tracked Tony on his S.H.I.E.L.D. phone and found himself landing on the Avengers Tower (which was previously the Stark Tower).

            Phil took out his gun and walked inside the tower. He entered the topmost floor and peeked inside slowly. His phone told him this is where Tony was, but he saw nobody. Just as he was about to go back to the elevator, he heard a baby’s cry inside.

            Startled, he ran to the source of the noise. He entered the mini-bar and found seven children on the floor. A long-haired, blonde boy was crying, with a dark-haired boy hitting him.

            “T-Tony?” Phil let out, shocked. The dark-haired boy looked up and narrowed his eyes.

            “What are wu doin’ hewe?” he asked, his fists on his hips. Phil didn’t answer him. Instead, he scanned the room. All of them surely looked like the Avengers and Loki, but were smaller. Phil froze in spot. Obviously, this was the work of Loki’s magic.

            “I will call my momma, burger,” Tony threatened, trying to stand up. He ended up landing on his butt since Thor pushed him. Phil chuckled softly, because Tony called him a ‘burger’ instead of ‘burglar.’

            “Tony,” Phil squatted in front of him. “Momma is at work. I’m Phil, her… cousin.”

            “How abou my mommy?” asked a small timid, blonde boy. Phil gasped, this was Captain America. Breathe, he instructed himself and smiled at Steve.

            “Your mommy is on vacation,” he said at the boy and looked at everyone. “All your mommies and daddies are on vacation.”

            “I AM A GOD, BIG MAN,” Thor, who stopped crying, stood in front of Phil, his face showing no sign of fear.

            “Well, your dad says you’ve been a bad boy,” Phil replied. He looked at Loki, who was beside Bruce. He was sitting with his hands around his knees. “Loki, what’s wrong?” he asked. Even those this little boy attempted to kill him a year ago, he looked like he could use a hug.

            “Go away,” Loki said, dragging his butt away. Phil did, and looked at the others. He stood up and stared down at them. How would he tell Fury of this?

            Of everyone, Thor looked the oldest. Phil remembered him talking about how he was a few thousand years old. Thor looked about six. Tony, Bruce and Loki looked four. Steve looked about three and a half. Natasha looked three.

            “Wait, where’s Clint?” asked Phil, looking around, panicking a little. He found Clint sitting at the top of Tony’s refrigerator, his sunglasses on. “Clint, get down from there!”

            Clint looked at Phil. He crawled to the edge and held out his hands. Phil ran to the boy and cradled him in his arms. He put him down beside Natasha, who was babbling in Russian.

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