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After that there was not a whole lot left to say. More research would have to be done and with Alaric's family's demise in a local uprising over a thousand years ago – documentation was going to be difficult to obtain.

Voldemort made a list of all their 'symptoms'. So far these were emotional, the Slytherins all felt highly drawn to their respective Gryffindors, though Severus and Draco did say that theirs seemed a bit more under control than his and Lucius' to Harry. Severus speculated that this was due to the fact that Hermione was currently menstruating; the girl had gone bright red at that.

As Harry had commented, the mutual dislike – or in the Dark Lord's case, insane hatred and rage – was so muted as to be almost nonexistent. They still had their memories of the events but the overwhelming importance of them was gone. They all felt very protective toward the members of their trios.

Personally the Dark Lord had never felt better in his life. His body was fully restored and he had a clarity of thought that he was sure he'd never had. He felt inexplicably grateful to the boy on his desk even though he knew it was a lucky twist of fate that had brought them all to this point.

He dismissed Severus, Draco and Hermione when Harry nearly toppled off the desk while dozing. The boy yawned so wide his jaw popped making Voldemort smile indulgently.

"You too Harry, off to bed."


Sleepily the teen kissed him on the cheek and then did the same to Lucius, leaving two rather stunned Dark Wizards behind.

"Well," Voldemort said, clearing his throat.

Picking up the journal he moved to the chair that Severus had thoughtfully un-transfigured. He began reading, occasionally making notes while Lucius quietly plotted and drank bourbon across from him.

Roughly an hour later, Voldemort looked up to see a rather annoyed looking Harry enter the study. The boy said nothing, just went straight to Lucius, climbed into the blonde's lap and went to sleep.

"Well," Lucius stuttered.

Voldemort grinned. He watched the blonde slowly relax, tucking the teen more securely against his chest.

"Why did he do that, do you think?"

The Dark Lord frowned down at the journal in his hands; he was already three-quarters through it but would have to read it again to make sure he hadn't missed anything.

"From what I can gather, Draconians bond in threes for very good reasons. There's a female, called the Egg-Bearer, and two males; one who protects the home itself and one who handles the more worldly affairs such as going to war or hunting. This kept the family from being defenseless."

"It seems this was ultimately Alaric's downfall. He was required to go to war for his King. He left Men-at-Arms but they were Muggles because he and his wife had no Third, there was some kind of local uprising and everyone in the Manor was killed."

Lucius listened intently while alternately staring into the fire and staring at Harry.

"Alaric's relationship with his wife was strained before that, however, due to their lack of a Third."


"As a Warrior, he wasn't capable of fully supporting his Egg-Bearer emotionally and so they fought. It's amusing really, the complaints Alaric had were what I imagine any husband would have – except for dodging his wife's claws and fangs."

"You've met Narcissa right?" Lucius quipped.

Voldemort smirked.

"I'd say Harry coming to you like he did is a good indication that you are our Nest-Guard and I am the Warrior."

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