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Jimin looked up as the door to the roof opened.

"Who is meeting us again?" Taehyung asked, eyeing Jimin's sandwich.

Jimin pushed it toward Taehyung. He was trying to diet anyway. "He said you were in his class. His name is-"

"I don't care, I already hate him," Jungkook said, crossing his arms and glaring at Taehyung. He couldn't glare at Jimin, mainly because Jimin just looked so soft and fluffy that he broke Jungkook's focus.

"His name is-" Jimin began, ignoring the angsty maknae.

"I'm your hope, I'm your angel, I'm-"

"It's J-Nope," Taehyung interrupted, rolling his eyes. "This kid, I swear."

"No I'm not! I'm-"

"J-Grope. Because you can't keep your damn hands to yourself."

"NO! I'm-"

"J-Scope, because you're always looking into stuff that isn't your business."


"J-Rope, because you're always pulling people into things they don't want to do."

"No! Shut up Taehyung! I'm-"

"J-Cope, cause you can't handle your shit."

"Stop interrupting jerk! I'm-"

"J-Dope, because you're always too energetic for it to be natural."

"Shut your facehole and let me introduce myself! I'm-"

"J-Soap, because that's what your mom puts in your mouth when she hears the filth that comes out of it."


"J-Lope? J-Pope? J-Slope? Oooh, poor kid, now you're J-Mope."


Jimin just watched the two of them argue. "Jungkook, this is J-Hope."

"You spoiled it!" J-Hope said, turning to Jimin and scowling. "You're the worst person ever! After Taehyung! I was going to get there! I'm your hope, I'm your angel, I'm-"

"J-nobody-cares," Taehyung slipped in. He looked at Jimin pointedly. "He does this every fricking day during attendance. You can't let him finish it though. It drives him J-crazy."

J-Hope looked at Tae who scowled back.

"Well, I'm Jimin," Jimin introduced himself.

J-Hope turned back to Jimin. "Wait, what, you're Jimin?!" His scowl dropped into an O of shock. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean those things!"

Jimin shrugged. "It's fine. We don't have to be friends or anything."

J-Hope frowned. "I'm sorry!!"

"J-I-hate-you," Taehyung muttered, glaring at J-Hope, who glared back at him before looking at Jimin.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know it was you! I mean I didn't know Jimin was you and that you were Jimin and yeah that whole thing!"

"Who else would I be?"

Sometimes, Jimin wanted to be someone else.

"I don't know, I just wasn't expecting..." J-Hope trailed off.

Someone like me. Ugly, pathetic, unnecessary.

Jimin coughed awkwardly, both to change the subject and to hide the growling of his stomach. "Right. Sorry." He got up quickly. "I have to go but it was nice meeting you."

Not really...although I guess he's interesting.

J-Hope nodded, confused as Jimin hurried away, leaving his lunch behind for Taehyung to eat.

When the door closed behind Jimin, Taehyung looked at J-Hope. "You didn't expect what?"

J-Hope shrugged. "I don't know, I just didn't expect him to be so good-looking. I just thought he was an average guy or something."

J-Hope turned to Jungkook as though just noticing him. "Hi there! I'm your hope, I'm your angel, I'm-"

Jungkook threw his soda can at J-Hope's head. "J-Coke."

three updates in one day...my eyes are so heavy...i need to sleep...

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