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"Elsah? Get the door will you dear?"

The girl runs down the thick carpeted stairs, her black hair flying behind her like a warning flag. She flings the door open elaborately, not bothering to stop the door before it slammed against the wall. The noise made the guest start slightly. Her eyes widened at the boy in front of her. He was gorgeous, with green brown eyes and a gleaming smile. 

"Well hello there cutie" she greeted confidently although unsure about why the gorgeous boy was here. She would've remembered him. 

"Hi," he greeted, not missing a beat " I just came to see Sawyer. She left her books in English and we have an assignment... is she here?"

The girl looked puzzled, why would he care enough to do that? She was nothing, a nuisance. 

"Yeah I suppose so" she added a flirtatious smile and a bat of the long black eyelashes to her repertoire, "C'mon in lovely stranger"

He was slightly taken aback at her forwardness, it was a contrast to her sister who was still loud but not as confident, and blonde. Her loud was one that stood out above the drone of daily life, a lovely sound that beckoned to strangers, but with an edge that warded them away. He smiled slightly at the thought of her. He'd gotten past that edge. Damn, he liked her too much for his own good.

"Thanks" he replied to the expectant girl in front of him, shaking his head to clear the thoughts of the blonde minx that had transfixed him.

"Ma, where's the girl at?" she shouted up the stairs

"In the bath, wasting our time and water."

"No she isn't... damn it did she run off again? It's her laundry duty tomorrow."

"Oh pfft of course, she always runs in the holidays. Better this way, little slut can't waste my time."

His mind whirled; she can't be gone. Where would she go, and why? He didn't want to believe it but slowly the pieces of the puzzle made sense. Her blue mustang wasn't outside. She had said maybe to seeing him at school tomorrow. The secret phone calls, the cash. It all made sense. She had run from this hellhole, leaving him to burn in the carnage. Even with this knowledge, he felt nothing but concern. In this carnage, at least, there was a map. Out there there was nothing. She was forming her own hell, and she didn't even know it.

"What did she take?"

"The usual, guitar, paints, sketchbook, blue coat, red boots"  

He could see the image, the blonde hair, the wet boots. He could see her painting vigorously, humming under her breath. Of course she had run. Of course she didn't stay. A light that bright cannot be contained by a town this dark.

He just wished he could share a bit of that light.

A/N: Hello sweet hearts :) Here's the prologue (a prologue, not an excerpt, it happens differently in the actual book) to my new story, hope you enjoy... please vote and comment and read :) If you like it, spread the word, if you want me to read your story, let me know :))) Oh and its Lennie Walker here. Okay, a side note, i completely rewrote this because it just wasn't good enough. Hope this draws people in better :)))) 



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