Chapter 34

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Zachs POV

So I'm not sure if Daniella was like still tired but she fell on me and I'm glad the air mattress was still there or we would have hit our head on the ground...she started to giggle

Daniella: -giggles- sorry...I don't know what I did

Zach: -chuckles- Its wanna get some breakfast?

Daniella: Are you just gonna leave your sister there?

Zach: No...Reese get up princess

Reese: No...

Zach: Let's go eat breakfast Daniella...Reese can wait until lunch

Reese: Daniella...don't go

Zach: Were gonna eat breakfast tho

Reese: But she's my sleeping buddy

Daniella: How about ten more minutes and then we go eat

Reese: sounds good

Zach: Okay...and I wanna snuggle too

Kinda weird to say but I snuggle with my little sister all the time.
Reese was in the middle and I was on the left and Daniella was on the right side of the bed and I don't how but we all woke up an hour later.

Reese: Guys...wake up its 12

Daniella: Oh my is

Zach: Huh?

Reese: Well all missed breakfast!

Zach: Uhhh...that's upsetting

Daniella: Very

Well all got up and got ready for the day. Reese changed her cloths from her pjs and we walked downstairs to mom making lunch

Mom: Good after noon weirdos

Zach: You should have woken us up mom

Mom: But y'all three looked so comfy!

Ryan: Hurry up mom I gotta go to soccer practice...hey guys

Reese: You got practice today?

Ryan: yeah and then I have a game right after. And I'm not gonna make it if mom doesn't hurry up with lunch

Mom: Hey, I'm trying my best here.

Daniella: Is there anyway I could help?

Mom: could help Reese choose some snacks for the game

Daniella: Oh of course...Reese...what snacks do you want?

Reese: I want those things...I'm string cheese and the crackers. But we're out of crackers.

Zach: Oh you're right. Mom, I'll be back. I'm going to the store...

Mom: But lunch...

Zach: I guess we can stop at the store when we're on our way to the game

Mom: True. Well in the mean time help Ryan pack his things.

Daniella: Come on Reese we can get some other the meantime.

Reese: Okay.

Daniella's POV

We walked into the pantry where they had a bunch of snacks for like small cookies...cheez itz ya know. So we grabbed a couple of each and through them into like a bag.

Mom: Okay, so for lunch I didn't really make anything...all I made was some BLT sandwichs and then I made like a a mix of chips.

Ryan: Sounds good

We all ate and left the house...I guess Ryan's game was like in 2 hours so we had time to go to the store buy some more snacks and some drinks and then head over to the that was half an hour away.

Zach: Goodluck Ryan

Ryan: Thanks

Ryan went with his team while the rest of us sat on a blanket on the grass. Zach and I started taking

Zach: So you don't have any other siblings?

Daniella: No...I'm adopted.

Zach: Oh...

Daniella: Is it just Reese and Ryan?

Zach: Yeah. Just them.

Literally it was so awkward. Like I didn't know what to say or anything. So after that we didn't say anything. Look I know he's trying to be nice and start conversations but it's awkward.

Reese: Mom, I'm bored.

Mom: Wanna go to the park?

Reese: Yeah...that would be fun

Mom: Daniella, Zach can you take her to the park across the street

Daniella: Of course, come on Reese

We headed to the park and Reese was holding my hand while we crossed the road...then...

Xx: Excuse me...have you see this girl....

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