Chapter 41

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Daniella's POV

Well...this is awkward

Daniella: -laughs- you're funny

Zach: Dead serious

Daniella: Don't lie to me herron

Zach: Who said I was lying m

Daniella: Me that's who

Zach: You're funny you know

Daniella: I'm the funny one? Wow

Zach: You're blind

Daniella: How?

Zach: You can't see how gorgeous you are!

Daniella: Shut it herron

Zach: -laughs-

Daniella: Wanna go to the park?

Zach: Are you sure...

Daniella: Completely

Zach: Alright

We walked to the park and all we did was horse around. He's so fun to hang out with and he's so sweet and he's just crazy

Daniella: Put me down you crazy maniac

Zach: Ummmm noooo

Daniella: ZACHARY

Zach: What do you say!?

Daniella: please

Zach: Alright alright

Daniella: Thank you

Zach: -laughs-

Daniella: you're crazy

Zach: and you're not?

Daniella: I'm good. 😂 not crazy and all

Zach: Whatever you say shortie

Daniella: Okay. I know I'm short but you don't say that


And he ran away. Oh my gosh this kid. Ahhhh

Zach: Bye Dani!

Daniella: Uhhh!

Zach: you can't get me

Daniella: I think I can

Zach: Well home come you haven't already....

Daniella: I don't know -laughs-

He ran away faster but like I ran and basically jumped on him. Good thing it was on grass.

Zach: Wow. You can run and jump. You're like a cat

Daniella: haha funny Zach

Zach: -laughs-

Then I got off of him but laid on the grass still. But all of the sudden I hear a voice.

Jack: I don't know Corbyn.

Corbyn: Well where else!

Jack: I don't know!

I gasp and Zach got scared

Zach: Hey are you okay

Daniella: They are here

Zach: Who...

Daniella: My dad and brother...oh my gosh they are coming

Zach: We can't run...

They were like seconds away from us so I did what I had to do

Daniella: Sorry...

Zach: What ar....-cuts off-

I didn't let him finish so I kissed him...he didn't back away which is good cuz if he did I would have been caught... I waited for them to be away and then I let go...

Daniella: I'm sorry........

Zach: Uhhh you're fine...

Daniella: Well this awkward

Zach: Can we try that again

Daniella: What no...-laughs-

Zach: -laughs- I'm kidding

Daniella: Maybe later...I'm kidding...

Zach: I thought you were serious for a second wasn't bad at all

Daniella: Oh my gosh...stop -laughs-

Zach: -laughs- You have a chance to go talk with them they are like 40 seconds away...

Daniella: I don't know! I'm not sure if I'm ready...

Zach: got like two minutes before they leave the park or come back around

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