Chapter 47

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Jacks POV

So after talking to the rest I fell asleep and then the next morning I texted Daniella.

Jack: Hey...can we meet up today

Daniella: I'm good right now

Jack: At the park...

Daniella: Yes. See you in 10

Jack: Okay

I told Corbyn and the rest and we all headed to the park...

We waited and she finally came with Zach. He was giving her pony back ride to us...

Daniella: Okay let me off

Zach: Okay

Daniella: MOM!

Christina: Why! Why did you go

Daniella: I'm sorry...I just didn't want to see Corbyn and you don't know how much i regret it

She hugged her and Jonah hugged her and she started crying

Daniella: I missed you Jonah...

Jonah: I missed you way more Dani...don't ever do that again

Daniella: I won't Jonah I promise I won't

Corbyn: Come home...

Daniella: Not yet...

Corbyn: Why...

Daniella: I'm not ready

Christina: How long...

Jade: Yeah how long until you come back home

Daniella: I don't know...I need time

Jonah: you've been gone 3 much longer

Daniella: Jonah I don't know...

Jonah: Okay...

Corbyn hugged me and I hugged him back...I felt bad

Zach: Dani...if you want I can leave

Daniella: said you would stay with me

Zach: okay...

Daniella: -smiles-

I gave him a smile and I grabbed his hand...

Jack: Can you not...

Daniella: What...

Jack: Don't hold hands...

Daniella: We aren't even together

Jack: Then why

Daniella: Because jack, he's my friend and he here for me

Jack: Were here for you too...

Daniella: It's different....

Jade: How is it different...

I didn't want to answer I let go...I looked at him and frowned...

He did the same...

Daniella: I'm leaving...lets go Zach

Jade: Daniella wait...don't go

Daniella: You saw me...I'm gonna go now

Christina: Dani, come home

Daniella: Not yet...

Without saying anything else Zach and I walked away...
We walked back to his house and I had to tell his parents.

Myta: Hey guys what's going on

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