42. coffee | 원필

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based on true story.


You were having a lazy day and you decided to just lay down on your bed and watch netflix all day. Then suddenly, your phone beeped showing an unfamiliar ID.

are you spending your day on your room again?

It was the first time he texted you first. So you excitedly sit up, thinking of what you should reply.

yes. why are you asking sunbae? :)|

yes. why are you ask|

yes. why a|

yes, sunbae. 🌚 i just feel so lazy today. hehe

the weather is nice today. it's good for having a walk.

You looked outside your window and it was indeed a good day. The sun is up brightly but it was not that hot so it was good to roam around in this day.

hmm, i don't know sunbaenim :( i'll just enjoy myself at home.

You secretly wished that he wanted to spend a beautiful day with you. But maybe not. Maybe he was just worried you'd spend another day being unproductive because he is your senior.

then should i just go out with just myself? hmm.

do you want to go out with me?

You were having a heart attack. He asked you out, and its going to be just you two. Like, it was a date. You panicked. What should I wear? Should I say yes? What am I going to do?

i can't say no because it's you sunbaenim.

then i'll fetch you at your house. i'll be there in 10 minutes :)

You immediately scanned your closet to look for a good dress to wear. You chose a simple pastel peach off-shoulder dress that is a bit below your knee level. You decided to just let your hair down, curling its tip to make it look not too plain and boring. And put your usual make up.

A knock was heard in your front door and you quickly went to see who it was. The excitement you feel surely can't be hide.

You opened the door and a fine beautiful man stood there. It was your senior, Wonpil. He was wearing an indigo long-sleeve polo tucked in in his pants. He was smiling brightly at you and then he said, "Shall we go now?"

You nodded and you both went for a walk in the park just nearby.

He stood beside you leaving a space between the both of you. A space a junior and a senior should have. And you wished the relationship of senior-junior would level up to something more. Not just as friends, at least. You talked about your past activities in the university and he would always smile and comment on it.

"I remember when you were just a sophomore. You would always bow at your seniors and smile at us whenever we pass by," Wonpil said.

"It's because I wanted to have a good relationship with all of my seniors. And Wonpil-sunbaenim, I still do it. Why do use past tense?" you kid.

"It's just that. I just can't believe I'm in my last year and I won't be able to see you and the other juniors," he said looking far. It was sad. Your three-year crush sunbae is now graduating.

"I feel thirsty. Let's buy some drinks on that café," you said while pointing at the café.

"Alright," he agreed.

It was great that the place wasn't that busy and there were some vacant seats.

"I'd have iced coffee. How about you sunbae?" you asked. You looked at him and he was still looking at the menu.

"I'll just have chocolate ice cream," he said. Chocolate ice cream? Why would he get that? He's cute.

"We would like one iced coffee and one chocolate ice cream," Wonpil said to the counter and processed your order.

"It's my treat since I asked you out. You must have felt you should have stayed in your house," he said.

"No, I'm having fun," you said, waving your hands disagreeing on what he said. The weather is great, I'm with Wonpil and he's buying iced coffee for me. I'm having a very great day.

While waiting for the drinks you searched for a table for two. You waved at Wonpil who was holding the drinks and he immediately spotted where you are.

"Here's your drink," he said. "Thank you," you smiled.

"You don't like coffee? Most boys drink coffee." You tried to start a conversation.

"It's not that I don't like it," he said, looking at the small cup of his ice cream.


"When I drink coffee, my heart beats so fast and I can't breathe," he explained finally looking at you. You nodded. Ah. That's why.

"But lately," he started. You looked at him at his sudden words while having a sip on your drink.

"I feel like I just drank coffee by just looking at you and being near you. Just like now."


i miss you guys. did u miss me? (:

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