Chapter 4

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All the sucky feelins were gone.

No voices, no pain, no depression.

Just me and my own head and thoughts.

I opened my eyes and stared up at the heaven. I couldn't see any stars, because I was in the middle of a city, where were all those street lights and shops with their bright windows.

I raised my arms forward and looked at my hands. They were so white, nearly shining in the darkness. A few minutes before, all these things felt like a weirdness to me. But not anymore. I got an optimistic mood and I felt strong. That man was good, doesn't matter he smelled like a beer mixed with a cheap cologne.

I should stand up, not stay here, laying in the middle of this square.

Someone could come and curiously ask me what am I doing. Then he would surelly mention the oldy right next to me.

I jumped energically on my legs. I touched my hair and realised they are little messy from the lounging on the ground. I made few quick moves with my fingers and I was sure it look better now. Maybe even pretty? I don't know, someone like me can't be pretty.

I had an euphoric mood, though I still hated myself and now I was just able to hide it somewhere in my brain. The man's spirit helped me, against its will of course.

Suddenly I got an crazy idea. I deserve a better fun now, than my usual vegetating at home during my starving days. I am powerful now, I can handle myself and I won't hurt anybody. Okay? I promise.

But first I had to hide my victim. I was stronger than before, so I easily picked him up and put him over my shoulder. I quickly looked around and here still wasn't anyone. Lucky me.

Anyway I went in a small and dirty street where were no lights. No one normal would ever go there, but whatever. That is why I chose it, I wasn't afraid of some sexual deviants who could hide on the places like was this one.

I throwed the dead body in one of the three bins standing in the end of this street and then came back on the square.

I wasn't thinking for a long time where should I go. I chose a club called Imperial - it didn't look very imperially, but I didn't care. I just needed a pause with people who don't know anything about me. With people I am not going to absorb.

I came in like boss. I felt like everyone was staring at me. Of course it was because of the new human essence. For normal people it was very doping, because they were mortal and their brains were not able to admit there is something supernatural with me.

So they only knew I am special, not like them.

I waited on the doorstep for a moment and then slowly walked in. Men pretended they didn't mention me, but it was only a trick.

I sat on one of high bar chairs. One of the bartenders quickly came and asked me what would I like. When he looked into my eyes he gasped and tried to hide it into coughing.

"Something special," I said and winked.

"Are you celebrating or something?" He was curious.

I mysteriously shrugged and added "Kind of."

He left to prepare me my drink. I was sitting there and waiting. It was hot here so I decided to take off my sweatshirt. Now everyone could se my black singlet and my pale skin. I didn't want them stare at me, but I could not do anything with that.

I checked my wrist if I still have it bandaged with a black cloth, so it hides my sign. The sign looked like a red tattoo of a thin cross - demonic symbol. Symbol of Berish.

I knew no one would know what is it, anyway it would feel unconfortble for me. The fact that someone saw my mark... It's not important he would not understand. He could say about it to his friend who could be secretly a demon hunter. They are too good. They would track me down and I would come back to the endless and lonely place I had came from.

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