Chapter 7

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I was sitting on my dirty couch at home. Alone, as usually. It's been only one day since I fed, but my head already started hurting. I hate how quickly the euforic feelings from human essences fade. Of course I can be like this for at least a week, but it sucks. If I kept feeding regularly, I would be almost like a normal human. But as much as I would look like a human, the less I would actually be like them. Being satisfied all the time I would need more and more and more. And more people would die because of my... needs. Yeah, that's not gonna happen. As long as I can control and handle myself.

I had my legs slumped under me, because I didn't like to occupie too much space when it isn't necessary. I was blindly staring on a wall, as if there was something really interesting. But the truth was it was as empty as I felt right now. I wished I was born with a different personality, which would be worthier for a monster like I am. Everything would be easier. My life would be happier, healthier, exciting, full of men. I could have literally everything.

Thinking of men, I cought myself thinking of the mysterious guy from yesterday. His name was Nicolas, wasn't it? I had my memories about him kinda blurred, like I had a hangover. It's not possible, of course, because I didn't drink anything that could cause me a headache the next day. Still, it was weird how my mind always slipped away. Maybe he was just a dream. The whole yesterday could be. During the time I was starving, I had illusions all the time and they were very strong and real-life. But now I had a feeling I actually really met him. Like he has gotten under my skin and I couldn't shake him.

I put my arms around my knees, an attempt to hold myself together. I hated being alone here, locked in an empty sad flat, but I didn't had another choice. I wished I could go out and enjoy the sun, but it would not be smart. On the daylight I would be more noticedable and that is the last thing I need. People would look at me. They would mention there is something weird with me. Like, no shadows. No breathing. Mad look in my all-black eyes. Pale skin. Hunger. I really didn't feel like hurting anybody. It would be a great excuse of course. If I had a feeling someone is paying me too much attention, I could just suck his essence and later try to calm myself down with some stupid arguments - "he might think I am a demon." And I don't want the voices in my head call back and wake them up from their rare sleep. When I am strong, they are weak. When I am weak, they are strong and drives me crazy.

I took a piece of newspapers from the table in front of the couch I was sitting on. I wasn't curious what is written there, but I had to do something. Othervise I would summon back my depressions sooner than they would come by themselves.

A big title cought my eyes.


Perry Barson, 41 years old man, was walking out his dog Dexter in the evening. Suddenly, Dexter totally freaked out and ran away from its owner. Mr Barson was shocked and ran after it. The dog stopped after a while and started howling. "I have never heard him do this before," swore his owner. "It was really scary and I had no idea what had provoked this behaviour." As soon as he got closer to Dexter, he realised there is something right next to it. At first, he thought it is just a big heap of some garbage. But then he saw it better, because a car just passed by. Its lights showed him a face of a young lady. She looked like she was sleeping. Mr Barson knelt to her and touched her shoulder to turn her on her back. Then he saw it. He saw deep long scratches on her face. They began on her left temple, then went across her whole face - eyes, cheeks, nose... Everything was damagged.

The questions are:

Who did kill her? some kind of a serial killer? A saddist? Or could it be an animal? But in the middle of the city? It's up to police to solve this question. The interview with the police spokesman is on the page 6.

I blindly stared at this short paragraph. To be honest, I thought I will found some theories about my victim. Sad truth - people got used to it and think it's some kind of a very rare virus. But this was something new.

Scary. Dangerous. Exciting.

i got extremelly worried, my head was full of highly-possible ideas what happened on the 23rd Avenue.

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