Chapter 2

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So as I was lying on bed rolling around to find a comfortable spot I think someone's on my bed too, so I got up to get ready for my day the start of my 3 week day off. Yay!

"FUCK! Why am I naked!" I shouted then pulled the covers to my bed to cover myself up i dont actually sleep this way, -holy sh*t! there i found Kate naked too beside me.

"Oh Shit! Kate. What the Fuck!" I shouted and got dressed fast, she got up still eyes closed I have my eyes widen because she was naked in front of me, shoot I just checked her out. I shook my head and turned back.

"What?" Kate said while rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Damn! Just look at yourself." I said still turned back.

Oh I did not just have sex with my Best Friend it's a big NO. but I did though.

She shouted something and start to get dressed "What happened? Did we just..."

Once we were done dressing up She had her fingers on her lips and I turned around with my eyes closed biting my bottom lip.

I opened my other eye and said "Yeah?"

"No way! We didn't even drink anything last night!" She paused for a second

"Oh you told me your gay then you kissed me then we were enjoying it...and here we are" she laughed and put her hands on her lips. I just looked at her with one eyebrow raised.

"Shit, you've got me mistaken. I was just messing with you when I said I'm gay last night, and f.y.i you're the first one to kiss me, okay I remembered everything. Just to clear it out,
One I'm not gay,
Two I want to mess with you because I thought your reaction will be priceless Three I was impressed because that was good. So, what now? " I smiled and I was waiting for her to say something.

She exhaled and sat down on the bed.

"Okay I know I made the first move I'm gonna clear things out too." She chuckled and looked outside the window before saying her speech.

She groaned and smacked her forehead with her hand before looking at me.

"Yeah I like it too, and I was just experimenting with you ha-ha so this will never happen again, I know you're famous and I won't tell anyone because it will ruin your reputation I think? Oh I don't want things to be awkward between us so let's pretend nothing happened, And I'm not a lesbian." she gave me a smile, I burst out laughing and sat on the floor with my hand on my stomach, "Bastard!" she laughed too and pushed me so I was laying on the floor still laughing I straightened myself up and cleared my voice up. 'oh shit'

"Kate! You have a boyfriend." She just shrugged and I raised my eyebrows at her while staring.

"I know, and he won't know psh don't be so scared because I Love Him." I sighed "Okay" then i left the room to make breakfast.

Kate entered the kitchen to sit on the counter.

sighing, my mood went down and I was thinking deep.

"Uhm Alex, don't be so scared it won't ruin our friendship." She said while grabbing an apple beside her.

"I know and No it's not that, I mean what if I am truly gay?" I put down the bowl and leaned at the side of the counter.

"Then accept it, if the fans don't then. Okay" she shrugged and added one more "Oh and you're hot I'm sure they will accept it added up by lesbians." she chuckled,suddenly Kate's phone was buzzing she sighed and got off the counter.

"Hey, Alex uh I got to go Kean's waiting for me." It's her brother, She side hugged me and kissed my forehead.

I exhaled and fake pouted and titled my head to the side "All alone again." I said.

She giggled "oh and you should go out you need that." She smiled and then leaved my condo.

Nice idea, Kate's right I should go out. But what about other people? I want no attention from them, just for 3 weeks that's why I can't go out on public especially when there's no guard to keep them from rambling on me ha-ha sorry for bragging but it's true.

I just can't understand why people praise and adore the famous ones, were not God were normal and all the same.


I just had my shower and was planning to go out or not... God why it's got to be so hard.

Oh that's it! I'll disguise myself and wear simple clothing's, that's right. Alex you're a genius!

I was looking for clothes in my closet and got my blue sweatshirt and white beanie with my white skinny jeans and black vans. Ha-ha this is not what I wear. I look kinda hipster.

I did my makeup and looked at myself in the mirror

One more thing to be hard for them to recognize me is with glasses.

I looked at myself at the mirror one more time and I feel simple and more comfortable.

"Cool, Nice job alex" I said to myself.

Now I'm ready to go out.
I do really look hipster on my new style.

Spoilers: She won't end up with Kate, and keep reading. lol


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