Day 5 chapter 7

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"Well I asked her if she's hanging out with you. 'Alex Hayes' the one she met on piano class? She said I'm wrong and she said its Alexandra, she was questioning me 'Why do you think its Alex Hayes?' well I realized about it why Kirsten didn't even know what Alex Hayes looked like I mean, you were all over the world! Why didn't she know you? So I said 'Oh because she's obsessed with Alex Hayes that's why.'"

I just laughed while Kate was explaining... so why she didn't even know Alex Hayes or heard her music; I mean I just sang in front of her my actual 'Alex Hayes' voice, I doubt that she's into music and didn't even hear any music from me, or I was just too cocky?

"Ok, thanks for covering up from me. Uh I have to tell you something..." I said and was being serious.

"Wait, so when are you going to say that you are Alex Hayes, you can't keep that forever. And for my opinion I Think you like her. Gay or not." I can feel her smirking trough the phone

"Oh my God! Kate. Your right I should tell her soon or maybe later." I sighed and stood up looking out the window.

"I know I'm right. Oh you'll meet up later? So you're not visiting your family its February 22 already."

I froze and blinked, damn I almost forgot.

"Later? It's cancelled. I've got other plans, well thanks for reminding me that." She chuckled on the other line.

"I should've reminded that, and why'd you just avoided my question?" Kate said.

"Huh? What question?"

"You like her!" she shouted trough the phone.

"Wait aren't you in school?" I'm totally avoiding that question.

She groaned trough the phone. "That's not important right now, now it's true you like her, Alex don't deny it!"

"No, I don't! And I'm not denying anything." What happened to my confidence? I was about to tell her that I like Kirsten, there was a long pause and I just tilted my head and exhaled.

"Fuck it! Okay I like her. Happy?" I said out loud, leaning to the freezing window.

She squealed on the other line and I brought my phone down till she stopped.

"Seriously, why aren't you in school?" I changed the subject but I don't think she'll let it go.

"at home, Does she know you like her?" uhh shook my head and clicked my tongue.

"No she's straight! Ok bye Kate, I'm gonna pack my things now." I said quickly she was saying something but I couldn't understand it so I said by again and end it.


"Lexa, I'm going home later. I'll be there maybe 5pm, See ya later sis." I sent it to my sister

I know she would say it to mom, I was done packing my things, and it was just few clothes because maybe I'll be staying 2 or 3 days if I can stand my mom ha!

It was 2:50 I was playing battlefield 4 and my phone was ringing, ugh who would interrupt my gaming time I answered it.

"What!" I said harshly. The caller was taking too long to answer.

"Are you there? Come on, I don't have time all day!" then I looked at the unknown caller.

'Kirsten Anderson' it's too formal eh? Ha-ha and i got to stop snapping at people.

"Damn." I mumbled out to myself. "mm. so your busy?" she cleared her throat

I laughed nervously "Sorry I was doing something." And then I realized we were about to hang out today. I face palm myself.

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