Chapter 13

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Kirsten's POV

"Karin!" I shouted. "What?!"

I came in barging in her room, She cock an eyebrow and grinned.

"You writing on my mirror 'I Miss You-Alex' and changing my screen lock to Alex Hayes, can you please stop?"

Actually, Karin did a great job changing my wallpaper. now i miss Alex 10x more. Ughh.

But the writing on my mirror.. No, she used lipstick, now its so hard to remove it.

She gave me a serious look and raise an eyebrow.

"Don't be all Innocent there."

"Uhm, i didn't change your screen lock, I don't write on mirrors, I have 'PAPER' Three- don't you think she did it?" "And i thought you like her, are you mad at her or something?"

i gave Karin a look, There's no doubt that I like her,i really do. The fact that she lied to me, Lied especially about her identity

should I tell Karin?

'well yea cause she thinks you re crazy'

"I-I.." wow that stumped me.

"Of course your mad at her! mad at her for


not really liking you, Yeah! imaginations Kirsten. don't over do it. now get out of my room"

Karin pushed me outside, i thought she knew already, Gosh Alex..

i replayed our memories,

first times,How we talked about our likes and dislikes..

should i forgive her?


its 9 in the morning and a sunny day outside. perfect time for planning.

Beach,walk and talk.

i have more plans other than that.

i really need to talk and apologize she'll be worth it i know.

"Karin,have you asked permission for me yet?"

"Yeah, You can take her with you. Take care of her Popstar! hahah ALEX HAYES *.*"

Got permission from her parents except for 'kidnapping her There's no way Karin's gonna tell them that.

well now how am I gonna do it then?

I picked up my phone and dialed Kate's number.

"Can you convince Kirsten to come with me?"

"What? Slow down!"

"Kate, I need to apologize and talk to Kirsten. help me please."

"On one condition Alex." she grins on the other line. uh-oh this maybe bad

but anyways it's Kirsten we're talking about.


anything? oh God no. Anything..

okay I really need this.


I honked my car in front of Kate's house, been waiting like 5minutes here.

That 'one condition' accepted. and then finally She came out of their front door and going inside my car.

"HALLELUJAH!" I half shouted, she rolled her eyes. because really I was waiting like forever.

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