DAY 2 Chapter Four.

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Day 2 "The Day Off"

Wow, Wearing simple clothes makes me much more comfortable. I feel like a normal living teenager, ha! I'm 18 woohoo! Well never mind the age.

I finished eating breakfast so i prepared and got out of my condo at 10 in the morning, I rushed to the 'MusicSchool(m.s)' But before i entered I was 2 yards away from the entrance, I beeped up Brandon since he's the owner i'm not that special just barging in there when the owner don't know i'm in.

"Hey, this is Alex Hayes. uh, Can I visit again? :)"

My phone buzzed after waiting a minute.

"Hello there Ms. Hayes, Yes you can visit and don't need 2 ask as I said ur alwys wlcm here.-Brandon"

Wow for a 30+ year old man he does shortcuts when texting, ha-ha.

"Okay I'll barge in right now.;)"

"mhm, sure! Be sure not to b recognized. :) I'm not there though, tell Donna to assist you.-Brandon"

"Yeah I'll be sure. ;) I'll just inform Donna I'm here then I can take care of myself yah know... Okay bye!"


I pushed the glass door, and approached Donna's Desk and tapped it.

"Hi, I'm back." I said and she looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, Brandon-"

I smirked and cut her off. "Brandon informed you. I know. So I'll go up now. Bye" I said but before I turned around

"Uh, Kirsten's not here..." I didn't let her finish the sentence instead I leaned fast at her desk "What?Why?" I said quickly.

She laughed and smiled at me "Not here 'Yet', because she'll start her lesson at 11:00. I gave her an 'O' expression.

"hey, how'd you know I'll visit Kirsten?" I furrowed my eyebrows and she smirked

"Oh nothing... The fact that she said your Cute and she'd like to know you more and be friends." She wiggled her eyebrows and I just shook my head smiling on what she said. I'll surely be friends with Kirsten.

"Really? she said that? And she doesn't know I'm Alex Hayes... and because she doesn't know Alex Hayes as a Pop star ha-ha. Oh I don't even know her last name." I sighed.

"So that's why she was yelling 'Alexandra!' for your attention." She smirked and added some info. "Kirsten Anderson is her full name by the way." I nodded and brought my phone out.

10:45Am well I'll wait for her.

I saw a chair beside Donna "Can I sit  there?" I asked Donna. "You know, you always ask for permission even though it doesn't need to be ask." She chuckled and nodded.

"Because I'm too polite ey?" we chuckled and she starts typing on her computer, while I sit back relaxing and checked my messages and twitter.

Ha, Twitter. I opened it and I accidentally clicked on a link it's a blog and I read it my eyes widened.

'Alex Hayes comes out on public' what the fuck? COMES OUT? ON PUBLIC? No way! Kate didn't... woah,

My blood boiled in anger, this is what I hate about the media they sometimes give false information- but just then.

I miss understood the blog and saw a picture of me at the park with no glasses and furrowed eyebrows; I laugh at the picture, I read it and sighed in relief. I covered my mouth with my hands to prevent from laughing. Not that I'm crazy, it's because I thought they posted a fake rumor. But why should I care if it meant that way. Im not gay, I shouldn't worry.

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