Chapter Seventeen: "It's okay. I know you can do it. I trust you."

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So, it was official that you and Greyson were partners as Class Muse and Class Escort. Well, you think that your classmates planned it. Haha, they keep on whispering at each other at that time.

-Fast forward-
It was your lunch time. You guys are fast in eating you so you immediately went to the quadrangle for tutorial time with Greyson, your partner, your escort. Haha.

You: Okay, you’re here. Let’s start.
Greyson: Sure, but I’m gonna tell you something.
You: What?
Greyson: I feel so happy today.
You: Why?
Greyson: Don’t you remember, you’re the Class Muse and I’m your partner!
You: And then? *joking*
Greyson: Aren’t you happy? Mr and Mrs Chance were partners!
You: *smiles* C’mon let’s study.

You teach Greyson not only Filipino, but all of the entire major subjects. It was kind of easy for you because Greyson is a fast learner and smart. After a few minutes of studying with Greyson…

You: Okay we’re done. *smiles*
Greyson: Oh that was awesome, so do you.
You: Me? *laughs*
Greyson: Yes, you were able to memorize all of them!
You: Oh. Thank you. *smiles*
Greyson: I seriously feel like I’m in heaven. A beautiful angel is sitting beside me!
You: *laughs* Stop joking around!
Greyson: I’m not joking! It’s true!
You: Okay fine! *laughs*
Greyson: Remember I told you last night to bring a map?
You: *laughs* I didn’t bring one. But you know what…
Greyson: What?
You: You’re too awesome.  I know you know the direction to this *points in your chest* even without a map. *pokes his nose*
Greyson: Ha! You’re testing me!
You: Well...
Greyson: Challenge accepted! Well, get ready!
You: For?
Greyson: As I go through your heart, I’m gonna make sure that you’ll fall in love with me too. –winks-
You: Uhh… *laughs* S-sure!
Greyson: Aww, you’re so cute and adorable!
You: Let’s go upstairs now. *smiles*

And then, of course, you’ll bring back the books first, as you went out of the library, both of you headed to the classroom. After a few hours of discussion with other teachers, it was now your adviser and she have to tell the entire class a very important thing.

Teacher: Okay. So, the principal will have a voting system for the whole school to find the new members of SGA or known as student council 2012-2013. And, she wants to have a Freshman Representative from this class. So, I want you to pick one student to be there. And that student’s competitor as a Freshman Representative will be from the other section.

And then Greyson asked about this…

Greyson: Are you going to participate?
You: No. Of course not. I don’t have a plan.
Greyson: Why?
You: I don’t want to take big responsibilities. Especially, this is for school. And if ever students don’t follow our orders, we will be the one who’ll take the punishment, if ever.
Greyson: Oh. Well, it’s up to you.

So, Greyson knew you don’t like those things. He didn’t forced= you participating even though he wants you to. Unfortunately…

Claire: *shouts* Ma’am, we nominate (YN)!
Nicole: Yes! We want her!
You: Wait! No! Claire, Nicole, I don’t want to!
Teacher: Uhhh, (YN) your classmates wants you. So, you’re going to participate, whether you like it or not.
You: No!!

So, you were the one chosen to be the competitor of a student on the other section as the Freshman Representative which you hate the most in SGA 2012-2013. You can’t do anything but to accept the fact you are in it. You’re really worried because what if no will vote for you? And there’s a thing called campaigning which all of the candidates in any position will do in every room, too bad you’re a shy type. And then while thinking a lot of things about SGA…

Greyson: *pokes you* Hey, are you okay?
You: Yea I’m fine.
Greyson: But you look worried.
You: It’s just that, I don’t know if I can do this. If ever, this is my first time being a candidate for SGA.
Greyson: You’ll win, I’m sure of that. You: How? I don’t even know what to say during campaigning. And there will be Miting De Avance for the candidates to tell the school you can change it into something new. I don’t have any idea how to campaign, what if to be a Freshman Representative? And I’m not planning of winning.
Greyson: It’s okay. I know you can do it. I trust you. Cheer up, my angel. *holds your chin*
You: *smiles* Thank you. Well, I just hope odds will be I my favour.
Greyson: *laughs* Yea. That’s my angel! Be a positive thinker, okay? –winks-
You: Yea. Thank you so much.
Greyson: Anything for my angel. *smiles*

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