Chapter 4

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Jazz was sitting on the couch in the living room reading over one of her papers due next week as her brother, sister-in-law and friends made themselves food. She was a little saddened that Jack and Maddie hadn't come to say hello but didn't really care anymore. Jazz wished so often growing up they'd been normal parents, ones that weren't obsessed with ghosts. Ones that weren't so consumed in their work they didn't realize their own invention half-killed their only son. Jazz supposed that was what happened when you let an obsession consume you.

Her mind drifted away from the paper as she thought more about her birth parents. Part of her wanted to go yell at them, tell them what they'd caused. Part of her wanted to cry because of all the things they'd missed over the years, her graduation, Danny's wedding, and coronation, both of their last four birthdays. And part of her hated them over what they'd done, they were parents, they should have protected them, cared for them, paid attention to them.

Instead, they constantly put one of their children under constant mental and physical stress and the other in harm's way. Not that they knew it but still, they should have paid more attention, they should've figured it out. Instead, they end up capturing their own son and torturing him! What sane person does that! He was fourteen! Jazz shook her head from those gruesome thoughts and shivered as she remembered finding Danny strapped to the dissection table while her parents were covered in his blood.

Jazz refocused on her paper trying to forget that day, after about fifteen minutes she heard the doorbell ring, which she ignored. Then it rang again... and again... and again, she finally sighed in frustration. Her brother and friends obviously couldn't hear the door and whoever it was wasn't going away. She got up, putting her stuff down as she walked to the door. Right as she reached for the nob it rang again making her fling the door open in annoyance and slight anger at whoever was repeatedly ringing the doorbell so much, so early in the morning.

Her eyes widened slightly seeing Mr. Lancer with his senior class behind him. She kept her hand on the door and turned slightly to look at the clock above the couch, "I know we're early, we managed to get everyone rounded up rather quickly. Sorry for the surprise."

Jazz shook her head, "No it's alright, we should've expected you might get here early. Come on in, I can see have of them shaking. Not exactly a wise decision in the middle of November or for a trip to the Ghost Zone." Jazz said opening the door wider for the class to enter. She watched as many of them looked around with confused looks and rolled her eyes. Jack and Maddie's crackpot reputation continues to proceed them. She closed the door and looked at Mr. Lancer.

"Danny and them are in the kitchen I'll go let them know you here... And tell Jack and Maddie." She said walking towards the kitchen. Mr. Lancer feeling awkward decided to follow her and confirm the four of them were here. He looked behind him and noticed most of the class had followed him as well. He looked back in front of him to see Jazz had paused in a doorway. He walked up beside her and his eyes widened and jaw dropped slightly in surprise.

His eyes scanned his four strangest students in amazement. Tucker and Valerie had stood up and were wiping down the dining table and would chuck whatever plate or utensil was in their way towards the pair at the sink. Lancer stared at Tucker for a moment shocked he was in gym shorts and a tank top showing off his rather buff build, something you never saw at school. He looked at Valerie who was in a dark red and black nightgown and her hair was up which was also rare. He stared at her back and noticed a DP tattoo and when Tucker turned Lancer could see a hint of a tattoo in the same place as Valerie. His eyes again went back to the fact they were blindly flinging things.

He watched in stunned amazement as Tucker and Valerie threw plates and utensils at the pair standing in front of the sink. His amazement grew more so when they each caught the things thrown at them without looking. He stared at the pair at the sink he noticed Sam only wearing a very oversized shirt, by the looks of it, it was the one Danny had on yesterday. He shook his head dismissing the though, they aren't together but why would she wear one of his shirts? Sam moved to her right slightly pulling a towel from the cabinet door between them and he noticed two black rings, one with purple, blue and green gems. Is that a wedding ring?

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