Chapter 5

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Dora fully turned human smiling at Team Phantom, "Sir Danny! Lady Samantha! It's good to see you again." She said bowing to them causing the classes eyes to widen and their jaws to drop.

"Dora, you know we don't want you to bow." Sam said as the ghost stood up looking at Foley and Grey.

"Sir Tucker, Lady Valerie it is also good to see you again. How are you two doing?"

"We're doing well Dora thank you." Valerie replied smiling and everyone in the class watched the scene amazed and confused. 'Why are they all so comfortable talking to a ghost? And why did the ghost bow!?' The class watched on as the four of them began talking in the same language Danny used this morning.

"Viaj moŝtoj, kiuj estas ĉi tiuj homoj? Kion ili faras ĉi tie?" (Your highnesses who are these people? What are they doing here?) Dora asked glancing at the group of still shaking humans behind her friends.

"Dora, mi scias, ke estas multe peti, sed ĉu vi povus konduki ĉi tiujn homojn al via regno por kuracista atento kaj mi promesas, ke mi klarigos ĉion." (Dora, I know it's a lot to ask but could you possibly take these people to your kingdom for medical attention and I promise I will explain everything.) Danny asked putting his hands together pleadingly.

"Kompreneble mia Reĝo ion por vi." (Of course my King anything for you)

"Dankon, Dora, tre multe!" Sam smiled gratefully at her.

Team Phantom turned to the rest of the group, "Alright everyone! Dora is going to take us to her palace to get those of you who need it, medical attention. Follow us." Danny shouted so everyone could hear.

He turned slightly back to Dora, "Ho jes, ili ankaŭ ne scias, ke mi estas fantomo, reĝo aŭ edziĝinta kun infano, do bonvolu ne mencii ĝin." (Oh yeah, they also don't know I'm phantom, King or married with a child, so please don't mention it.) Dora nodded smiling mysteriously towards the confused class.

With that they headed to Dora's kingdom. Everyone was still stunned but decided to follow the four strangest people because the other option was to stay stuck in the Ghost Zone and they didn't want that.

"Wow!" The class said together as they finally reached Dora's Kingdom.

Danny looked to Dora, "It looks like your kingdom is progressing nicely."

"Yes thank you. I believe we will be caught up to modern times soon. Right now, we're in the late eighteen hundreds."

"That's great Dora!" Sam added smiling and Dora nodded.

"Has your brother been any more trouble?" Tuck asked.

"No not recently. He's still upset at me for taking his kingdom. But after the King's coronation he seemed to calm down a bit. He's still a bit grumpy though and does tend to pester the guards." Dora winked in Danny and Sam's direction.

"Are you talking about that evil ghost King that sucked Amity in here a few years back?" Dash asked now interested in their conversation causing most of the class to play attention as well.

"No, a new King was crowned about two years ago. That's why you see all the plants growing. During Pariah Darks reign, his pure evil, hatred and loneliness distorted all the plant life here but after the new King and Queen were crowned it began to regrow."

"Ahhhh..." The class chorused together. At the very back of the group the Fenton's were seething in anger.

"How could Danny be so friendly with that ectoplasmic scum!?" Maddie scream whispered to Jack.

"I don't know Madd's. I'm trying to figure out why everyone's listening to that ghost."

"What if their overshadowed Jack? We have to do something."

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