Chapter 7

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Val began to come too and groaned, grabbing her head with one hand, "Ouch." She sits up slowly looking around as her vision comes back, "Shit." She looked around for Tucker and sees him out cold in the corner in a heap. She crawled over to him and started shaking him gently, "Tuck honey wake up."

Tucker let out a groan as looks up at her and sits up too, "Val what happened where are we?"

"We're in Walker's prison...again." They heard pained groans coming from behind them. The pair turned around slightly to see the rest of the class scattered around the large jail cell, beginning to wake up.

Val looked back to Tuck, "We should make sure they are ok." He nodded and they got up to moving around to start checking on everyone until Mr. and Mrs. Fenton got up.

"Where's Danny?" Maddie cried after not seeing him in the crowd.

The pair looked at each other and paled, "Shit." They hissed in unison.

Maddie looked around frantically, "Where is Danny? Has anyone seen him?" Everyone shook their heads. She looked at the bars to the cell, watching as a ghost guard came by. She quickly stood up and went to the bars, "Hey ghost!" He paused looking into the cell, "Where's my son, you ectoplasmic scum!?" She yelled.

The guard just looked at her confused, "Who's your son?"

"Danny." She stated flatly crossing her arms.

He stared at her confused for a minute before he seemed to realize something, "Oh, ok you must be his biological parents." It was Maddie's turn to be confused at the guard's statement. She jumped slightly when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She turned around to see Tucker's girlfriend, "Mrs. Fenton please step back." She did and Val stepped in front of her facing the guard. Valerie stared at the guard with a deadly calm expression that caused him to shudder, "Kie estas la reĝo kaj reĝino malpura sako?" (Where is the king and queen dirtbag?)

He was moved back slightly at her harsh tone, "They're both in there with you behind the walls."

"Show them to us now." He nodded, pulled a lever and the left and right walls of the cell disappeared. Val turned to look and was relieved to see Danny and Sam, they were out cold but alive, "Thank you."

He nodded but didn't move. Val looked at him confused, "Ĉu vi povus diri al ili, ke ni neniam volis damaĝi lin aŭ la reĝinon, sed ke Walker faris fantomajn deflektorojn en ĉiuj niaj kostumoj kaj se ni ne faros tion, kion li diras, li mortigos nin?" (Could you tell them that we never wanted to harm him or the queen, but that Walker had specter deflectors made into all our suits and if we don't do what he says he will kill us?)

Val looked to Tuck, and he nodded "Ni vidos, kion ni povas fari, kaj ni provos liberigi vin ĉiujn de la potenco de Walker." (We'll see what we can do, and we'll try to free you all from Walker's power.) The guard bowed and left. The class stared at two vanishing walls in amazement. It quickly turned to horror when they realized Sam and Danny were cuffed to the walls. They both hung about a foot off the ground and were behind jail bars.

"WHAT DID YOU SCUM DO TO MY BABY BOY!?" Maddie shrieked as she ran over the cage with Jack right behind her. Maddie went to grab the bars of Danny's cage when she was close enough but was thrown back into Jack as soon as she touched them, "Why are the bars laced with electricity?" Maddie croaked her voice hoarse and laced with shock.

"Because that child has been a pain in my butt for far too long and last time he was here he caused a prison riot and lead a massive jailbreak." Everyone whipped around to look where the voice had come from, only to see Walker standing there.

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