Chapter 11

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As Tuck, Val, Sam, and Danny headed out of the dining hall they were stopped by the doctor, "Your highnesses, royal guards please wait a moment."

Danny tensed, "Is something wrong?"

"Please for the love of the GZ please tell me that nothing is wrong with them!" Tucker panicked and started to hyperventilate. Val put a hand on his back trying to calm him down.

"Nothing is wrong Sir Tucker but your wife to be and the Queen are expecting." The doctor told them with a smile.

"I'm what?" Sam whispered covering her mouth with hands as tears of joy streamed down her face.

Valerie looked to Sam and their smiles were huge, "I'm going to be a Mother, Sam!" Valerie cried as she hugged Sam.

"I'm so happy for you Val. You're going to be a wonderful mom." The released each other and looked to their very quiet significant others. They watched Tucker's mouth open and close like a gaping fish before he took a deep breath.

"Oh my god!" Tucker whispered before his eyes rolled back in his head and he dropped to the ground with a thump. That was when Jazz walked into the hallway. She looked pissed until she noticed Tucker on the ground unconscious. Jazz stopped walking to look at all them and the doctor confused.

"Why is Tucker out cold?" She deadpanned

Sam and Valerie gave her bright smiles, "We're pregnant Jazz!" They said together and Jazz's eyes widened in surprise before she gave them an excited smile.

"That's great you two!" Jazz cheered and she looked at Danny. She elbowed him in the side, "You know when said I want more nieces or nephews I didn't mean now." Danny just stared at Sam for a minute before moving with super speed and wrapping Sam in a hug. He twirled them in the air as he rained kisses on her face with a happy smile.

Sam laughed as Danny continued to spin them in the air, "Danny honey you're going to make me sick." Danny laughed and sat them back on the ground.

Danny looked over to Tucker, "I should probably wake him up, right?"

Sam nodded, and Danny walked over and gently placed his foot on Tucker's face and started pushing on it slightly "Tucker... Tuck... GHOST!!" Danny yelled.

Tucker shot to his feet, then turned around and glared at Danny, "WHAT THE HELL DANNY! YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUTTA ME!" Tucker then grabbed Danny and put him in a head lock and gave him a noggie.

Val, Sam and Jazz were laughing at the boy's antics, "Dam Tucker stop!"

"Not a chance man this is what you get for scaring me!"

"Sam said I needed to wake you up!"

"HEY! Don't bring me into this!" They paused and looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Oh Tucker..." Valerie sang.

"Yes Val?" Tucker asked as he let go of Danny.

Valerie moved closer to him, her hands held behind her back, "What do you remember before you passed out?"

"Umm... I remember the doctor telling us something, but I can't remember what he said, why?"

"Because, he said something very important." Val sang again.

"What did he say? YOU'RE NOT HURT ARE YOU, I'LL KILL WALKER...AGAIN!" Tucker said starting to become frantic

Val rolled her eyes at him, "No, no, he didn't do anything to me, but you did."

"Wait... What?"

"I'm pregnant Tucker." Val said smiling, Tuck stared at her in shock for a second before smiling happily.

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