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From that day forward, Oabe began to take Yuri everywhere with him. They were completely inseparable. When Oabe went to the council-house, Yuri accompanied him and tried his best to attend to his needs. Oftentimes, Oabe would get incredibly stressed from long, passionate trade and war meetings. The tense atmosphere of the conferences seemed to transfer into his muscles. Determined, Yuri would massage the prince's tight shoulders and back. He also would also use stones warmed near volcanic vents to soothe Oabe's aching body. He ignored that pain in his own tail.

Over time, Yuri came to understand Oabe better. He was able to remain calm and level-headed in frustrating or difficult situations, but had to suppress his emotions without an outlet to do so. It was almost the opposite of Yuri, who took offense easily and didn't know when to back down. They made a good pair, balancing each other out. Yuri recognized this, and it brought him measureless happiness.

He had been afraid that getting to know Oabe would reveal a person that he disliked or could only tolerate. On the contrary, Yuri felt himself fall deeper in love with every passing day. He cherished every moment that they spent together.

Sometimes, Oabe would take him out to fish. He was a lot more skilled than Yuri was, but also very humble about it and helped Yuri learn how to hold the spear properly in order to skewer the fish. Yuri improved, and eventually he was able to catch them without assistance. He was still rather clumsy at it, but every time he managed to impale a fish he beamed and held up the wriggling creature triumphantly. This was usually rewarded by a smile from Oabe.

Oabe also showed Yuri the royal armory. There were two bulky guards stationed outside of it, faces unmoving and stiff. They had long, thin, squiggly stars on their bare backs. Yuri had observed that nearly all of the adult mermen bore similar mutilations, although he didn't yet know what it meant.

Within the armory, tiny glowing stones stubbed the shelves to illuminate various weapons, armor, and shields. All of them were masterfully crafted, more art than anything. Each one was unique, and bore the special mark of the mer that had crafted it. It was amazing to Yuri how much fine detailing was put into pieces that would most likely be destroyed in battle.

Together, Yuri and Oabe went for long swims around the kingdom. Sometimes they would frolic with herds of dolphins, dappled in the glittering sunlight streaming down from above the foam-tipped waves. The sleek gray creatures adored Oabe, although they were a bit skittish around Yuri. It was almost as if they could sense that he used to be a human, and trusted him less because of it. They still let Yuri pet them, and gobbled up any snacks that he brought. They reminded him of the horses that resided in the royal stables, although there was no Christophe attending to the cetaceans (thank heavens).

Oabe and Yuri glided together through thick seaweed forests where the tendrils would cling to them and wrap around their arms and tails like scarves. Little iridescent fish swirled around the two of them in a disorientating rainbow of color, and Oabe smiled at Yuri's wonderment.

One time, Yuri went to one of Oabe's dueling lessons to spectate. He used to engage in swordplay frequently when he had been a human, and he missed it. Quickly, he analyzed the basics of mer technique, and gestured that he wanted to participate. The instructor laughed to his face, for how could a mute, delicate pet know anything about fighting? But Yuri insisted, and was given a curved blade (much to the amusement of his peers). Oabe went easy on him, clearly afraid of causing injury. But he soon was forced to increase the power behind his blows.

Everyone stared, wide-eyed and shocked at Yuri's proficiency. Although Yuri was a bit rusty, he quickly overcame Oabe, forcing him to surrender. He shot a smug look at his doubters. After his triumphant victory, he was allowed to combat train with Oabe whenever he wished.

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