Chapter 5-Killian

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"Killian!" I hear my name screamed from the bottom of the stairs. I don't want to go down. I don't want to go on this date. Infact, all I wanna do is slap the shit out of Axel.

I stomp down the stairs and get met with a casual Axel, who reeks of asshole.

"Geez, you look emo." I wind my arm back and slap him so hard he falls into the coffee table.

"What the fuck, Kill?" He asks.

"You deserved it, dickwad." He stares me down.

He growls and goes to the car, me following, knowing he just wants to leave. When we're settled, I look at m hands and smile, "Where are you taking? A cliff so you can throw me off it?" He growls lowly.

"Don't act like a victim, Killian. Understand the situation. You're 18, grow up." Grow up. Okay.

"Reject me, Alpha. You obviously hate being with me. And since you accepted me first, I can't reject you unless you reject me. Go right ahead. I won't even shed a tear." I groan, feeling the tension.

He exhales sharp. "Listen, pal. I'm the Alpha. You're the Beta. Though you're the second strongest in command, I'm the first and I don't submit, Killy."

"I'm not backing down on what's primal mate instinct. I'd gladly bottom you, if I was suppose to. As you know, positions in same sex mate relationships are decided by the wolves. I didn't choose this, Ax, it was the goddess." He mumbles under his breath.

He then stops the car. "Look at me, Killian. If you want to play this game, you're gonna have to deal with the consequences. I will NEVER announce to this pack that we are thing as along as you play top. Top me all you want, but we're never gonna be anything more than just Alpha and Beta. " he spits beta like it's vulgar. I just feel so hurt. And Wyatt does too. Our mate who is suppose to love us and accept us and be happy with us, and especially since they're my best friend, is just being so cruel.

We arrive at Quaint Hill. Bastard.

We get out walking up the hill and stopping at the top. "When we were nine, you said you wanted to one day sit out and watch the stars from Quaint Hill. I said that was gay. And clearly we're now gay. So, enjoy."

I roll my eyes, sitting in the grass and laying back, with my arms behind my head, feeling the blanket of stars cover me. axel lays down next to me, laying in my chest. I don't understand him.

"I do want to be your mate, Killian, just, it's hard for me to accept this. There's nothing wrong with you, you're perfect." I wrap my arm around him gently.

Maybe this can work. Maybe.

"I'll let you top me, Killian as long as you agree that we don't ever disclose that little fact."

I chuckle, "Okay. I'll take what I can get. "

"Great. Because when you were being emo in your room, I bought rose scented oils."

"That's gay."

He cuddles closer into me, "That's the point."


"You smell like a garden." I say as Axel assaults my neck. We just had some epic sex. I will say that. And that oil, oh that's the shit.

He licks my mate mark, making me nearly squeak. "You're so soft. I like it. And you don't even lotion."

"Yep. Wanna play xbox?" I ask.

he nods, bolting over me and slipping on his low rise sweatpants. Fuck.

I slide on mine and pin him to the wall, kissing him hard, "Sorry. I had to."

"Cmon. Let's go." I follow him downstairs.

Since we were 14, we've lived in the Alpha suite, not the Beta, which his parents moved into when we were 14. My parents died, when I was 14, and his parents had Axel and I moved in together. So it's just us.

The story it self stopped at 666 words. I'm concerned lol. Sorry it's been like ages. Enjoy

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