12 - She's Ignoring Me

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Cameron -

The ceremony was heartbreaking. It was obvious how much all of these people looked up to Hathaway and loved him like family. And watching him talk about leaving was sad, too. He seemed really upset about it all; like he had poured everything he had into this place just to leave it in the end.

I felt awful. Of course, the week I come in is the week everything depressing happens.

As much as I wanted to talk to the girl again and clear things up, I figured she deserved some space. She was clearly still upset, and I was awful when it came to dealing with pissed or sad people so I knew better than to pester her more.

Thankfully, the day ended quickly and I could finally relax at home.

"That's awful, I feel so bad for them."

"Yeah, it really was depressing being stuck there for the rest of the day. It's like everywhere I look someone is either in tears or punching someone who's in tears."

"Hang in there, Cam. Things will settle down soon, though it may take a while. I'm sure it'll all blow over."

"I don't know, but I sure hope so. Anyways, enough about me, how have you been?"

"It's been great, I'm actually doing really good here, but I can't wait to see you!"

"I can't wait either, I feel like it's been ages."

"It really does, even though it's only been a few weeks."

"How's Ethan? He's not being a douche, right?"

She laughed on the other end of the line. "No, he's not. He's doing good too, just got a new lifeguard job. He has to move back in with his parents though."

"Damn, already? What happened?"

"Missed rent too many times. He's gonna stay in their basement for a while, but he's planning on getting out of there as soon as possible - which I can't blame him for. You know how his parents can be."



"Haha, well, I'd offer to help him out, but I'm struggling a little bit too. With this whole organization thing, it's tough to find a good night job that I'll still manage to get some sleep on."

"Aw, I'm sorry. I hope you figure it out, but if not, maybe ask mom and dad? I'm sure they could help you out."

"No. I'm not taking their hard-earned money from them no matter how much they have. They mean too much to me to do that."

"See, that's your problem; you're too humble. Try being a selfish prick every once in a while, it's great."

I laughed. "Oh, stop."

"Haha, alright. Hey, look, I hate to do this, but I've got to get ready for a job interview at Sonic, so I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah, of course. Good luck sis."

"Thanks, Cam. I love you, bye."

"Love you too, later."

I hung up the phone and set it on my nightstand. My laptop screen was seemingly screaming at me with its brightness, when in reality, it was on the lowest setting. Ignoring the burn in my eyes from exhaustion, I continued my job search.

Bouncer Needed For 'Stars Nightclub'

I could be a bouncer.

Clicking on the job, I read through the details and qualifications. I almost had it, it could've been perfect, but then I read a pretty important few words.

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